well spaghettification would be interesting
Solar Storms
weather system for planets
Magnetars and pulsars
also when a object with a high amount of gravity enters a star system I'd like to see the effects in more detail
like distorting of the star(or stars if it's a binary system) , atmospheres and oceans like
if a giant star powerful enough got close to our star system it could in theory cause all our oceans and clouds to flood what ever side of the earth is facing that star
and as that giant star got closer to us i'd like to see that star to incinerate the surface of our planet and it's immense gravity to eventually cause our planet to crumble and break apart
also if the star is large enough it should cause our sun to distort in shape
also if it's a black hole entering our solar system I'd love to watch the oceans get suck up and eventually cities and forests to be pulled from earths surface as it crumbles and gets suck in to the black hole
and I'd love to see like say our sun was suddenly 1000 times Hotter i'd like to see that effect the planets more
so like the side of the earth facing the sun could be a molten hell then that side could cool down and be a barren waste land when not facing the sun
also it might be nice seeing satellite in orbit around planets
and I think someone already said stars should have life spans
the bigger the star the shorter the life spans
also what happens at the end should also differ on the size of the star you know
I'd so love to see a hyper nova

or our sun turn in to a red giant then eventually a white dwarf
also I think we need more galaxy's and stuff
such as the deathstar galaxy