I am sort of new to Universe Sandbox so maybe my suggestions are simply based on ineptitude. However, here's some thoughts.
1. The moving around of objects is a bit counter-intuitive, especially in relation to relative height compared to a system's "horizon."
2. Textures are a bit weird in the way they are assigned to planets. When I tried separating my textures into neatly organized folders (as opposed having them in one big place) and then typing the name into the texture field (with <name of folder>/Filename.whatever), the game would load a texture, but forget it on a next reopening. I'd suggest an explorer type of dialog to open, so even if textures are forgotten damage could be repaired with just a few clicks. I'm sure such a feature can make customize options even greater.
3. Orbit parent is getting fixed right

4. From what I've noticed about the game, it's not very optimized. Truth to be told, there's a hell lot of gravity math probably bogging down the CPU, but graphic-wise the game is not spectacular (I'm not talking about the introduction of unrealistic stuff). Planets are not very spherical, dust=slow motion, planets do not cast shadows, etc., etc. Or maybe, again, it is simply me who doesn't know how to tweak it. I know the game is going to get a visual buff with the new version, but I was curious to know whether it would be simply a buff, or perhaps a rework because my average, soon to be below average machine would like really much to play the game as it's meant to be.
EDIT: NI think I answered myself that, so sorry for it

"This is a full rewrite of Universe Sandbox in a new 3D engine." says Dan here:
http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php/topic,5865.0.htmlAnyway, I apologize, if some of the things have already been said. I'm a bit of a noob and haven't really lurked around the forums for too long (a thing that's probably going to change!

), but from what I've seen from the game/experience Ubox and it's community are one of the most relaxing things after a hard day