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Author Topic: Universe Sandbox 2 Poorly uses CPU's and GPU  (Read 17017 times)


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Universe Sandbox 2 Poorly uses CPU's and GPU
« on: January 25, 2012, 03:41:24 AM »
I'm running a i7 2600k @4.5GHZ. And a GTX 590 for my GPU.

Sadly I only get around 50fps in our solar system, and when it comes to all galaxies 4fps.

I check my CPU usage and GPU usage after clicking on use multiple processors, my only my first core is being used at 75% and my gpu at 26%.

This is a 4 core processor with 8 virtual cores. How can I use this game if it gives me worst fps than BF3 does on Ultra! ((I run 140fps on BF3 with 16x AA everything on Ultra.))


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: Universe Sandbox 2 Poorly uses CPU's and GPU
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2012, 03:46:18 AM »
Hello, if you have excessive amounts of objects, it'll run slow. How much stuff is on the screen at a time? Dust tends to lag, but not as much as objects. Try turning of trails and maybe dust. The game does not currently support multiple cores. If galaxies make you lag, turn down the dust multiplier and restart the sim. Too many galaxies will lag anyone.

Also the numbers you described are not so bad. My laptop gets me 24 fps for solar system and 17 fps with 2 galaxies on the screen. When i turn down the settings, i get 62fps on solar system (85 when idle), and 30 fps with 2 galaxies (52 when idle). Imo anything about 25fps is playable. You must have the dust multiplier cranked way up to only get 4 fps with galaxies.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 03:54:52 AM by mudkipz »


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Re: Universe Sandbox 2 Poorly uses CPU's and GPU
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2012, 07:43:25 AM »
The major update that is coming this year (new Unity engine, new collision system, better graphics, the works) will have multi-core capability.

Anyways, as mudkipz said, if there are LOTS of objects, it will lag heavily. I also find that turning off trails speeds things up quite a bit.


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Re: Universe Sandbox 2 Poorly uses CPU's and GPU
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2012, 04:07:36 PM »
Hello, if you have excessive amounts of objects, it'll run slow. How much stuff is on the screen at a time? Dust tends to lag, but not as much as objects. Try turning of trails and maybe dust. The game does not currently support multiple cores. If galaxies make you lag, turn down the dust multiplier and restart the sim. Too many galaxies will lag anyone.

Also the numbers you described are not so bad. My laptop gets me 24 fps for solar system and 17 fps with 2 galaxies on the screen. When i turn down the settings, i get 62fps on solar system (85 when idle), and 30 fps with 2 galaxies (52 when idle). Imo anything about 25fps is playable. You must have the dust multiplier cranked way up to only get 4 fps with galaxies.

I was referring to the all galaxies.

I guess when I restarted it all I'm getting 64fps on that one now..

Checking solar system..
Solar System started at 80.. And SLOWLY went down to 33..? That makes no sense..

I'm guessing this game is MUCH more CPU dependent, so the multi-core is more of a must for this game.

More results:
Eath and Moon: 841fps
Small scale: Starts at 200 and slowly drops to 31...?
Saturn and Moons: Starts at 80 and slowly drops down to 30.
Galaxy Collision: Constant 40fps.
Game Start up: 1400fps
Jupitar and moons: 100 and slowly drops to 30..?

I've never seen something slowly drops fps in a game.. And I expect my system to be running this game at much much high framerates.. I select multiple processors which seems like more cores.. But does nothing.


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Re: Universe Sandbox 2 Poorly uses CPU's and GPU
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2012, 04:17:08 PM »
Selecting multiple cores is more likely to crash Ubox, that happened when I tried to use it. I agree that multicore would be extremely helpful for this, but Dan wasn't able to get mulltithreading (which is multicore) to work for some reason or other.

As I said, the next major release sometime this year WILL have multicore capability.

As for your testing, the slow drop sounds like trails, did you hide them? Also toggle light mode (old/new) and bodies (alt+b) to see how that helps you. I don't think turning on or off the background has any effect, also if you have lots of named objects, turning off labels could help (not to mention remove visual clutter).

Edit: checked with FPS on and turning the background on and off does seem to affect it, apparently.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 04:37:00 PM by smjjames »


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Re: Universe Sandbox 2 Poorly uses CPU's and GPU
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2012, 04:39:00 PM »
I believe multiple cores works with dust...i read that somewhere sometime i think.

"I'm guessing this game is MUCH more CPU dependent, so the multi-core is more of a must for this game."
Not implemented (already said but just incase you missed it.)

"I was referring to the all galaxies."
All as in, "any" or "all at the same time"
If you load all the galaxies they'll lag on most computers a bit.

Optimizing universe sandbox for less lag:
Trails off
Lighting off
Dust minizimed or off
Euler calculation
Labels off (This helps when you have 100+ objects)

"More results:
Eath and Moon: 841fps
Small scale: Starts at 200 and slowly drops to 31...?
Saturn and Moons: Starts at 80 and slowly drops down to 30.
Galaxy Collision: Constant 40fps.
Game Start up: 1400fps
Jupitar and moons: 100 and slowly drops to 30..?"

Moon and Earth is mostly rendering, not much trails, only 2 bodies
Small Scale; bodies and trails
Saturn and moons; same.
Galaxy Collison only has 3 bodies but lots of dust
Jupiter and moons; same.


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Re: Universe Sandbox 2 Poorly uses CPU's and GPU
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2012, 08:40:16 AM »
Personally I always use RK4, the simulation is more accurate that way. I also turn off dust because it slows things WAY down.

You forgot turn off impact marks, if you aren't planning on having alot of collisions, it won't matter, but if you are, it could help.

Dan Dixon

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Re: Universe Sandbox 2 Poorly uses CPU's and GPU
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2012, 04:03:27 PM »
Multi-core support is coming in Universe Sandbox 3 (later this year).