The planet, Kepler 49-d, lies about 134 light-years away and is about 0.96 times the size of Earth, and models suggest it has a temperature of about 8C.
I knew there was no way this was true for several reasons, found in just this one sentence.
Kepler 49-d? First off, the correct hyphenation of this would be "Kepler-49 d." Second, the most recently discovered planet was Kepler-34 (AB)b or somewhere around there. They don't skip around, they aren't going to call it 49. And when models are suggesting it has a temperature of 8C... it's not confirmed. Not only is it not confirmed, but temperature isn't enough to say the place is hospitable. You'd need Spitzer or a similar spacecraft to investigate it's temperature and atmospheric composition, and when the planet is this small and relatively close to it's star, you're probably not going to see any of that for at least another five to ten years, seeing how the currently planned missions are going.
Debunked. Or whatever.