I sighed.
"Why can't I know?! Why can't I understand?" I complained to Archini. "Why can't I go back to the days when I knew what I wanted to do and I wasn't so... busy?"
"Calm down, Foerkit," Archini replied.
"I can't!" I snapped at her, turning my head. I think my wings also flexed a bit, "... I wish I could!"
"You just need to..." she spoke in a reassuring voice, that unfortunately trailed off, for whatever reason. But, she must have re-gained her train of thought because she continued in a moment, "to vent!"
I was confused. I didn't know what the unicorn meant exactly by venting. She walked to the other end of my lab (which happened to be under the ground, below Cloudsdale, not far outside Ponyville) to the decent-sized bookcase on which I stored books (of all things, right?), important documents, and other related items. Her horn glowed from the telekinesis spell she cast upon the pencil and blank sheet of stationery as she picked both up and moved them across the room. She placed them on the table in front of me.
"Write?" I asked.
"Yeah, Write." It was a simple enough reply.
"Write what?" I hadn't written much before. For the most part, what I had written was for scientific research or school... Ugh, how I loathed that place. It shouldn't even be considered a place.
"Anything." she looked at me with a smile, "That's the beauty of writing."
"I always hated creative writing in school. It wasn't creative enough, too many limits."
"Well, you don't have limits now." Archini said, pointing out the obvious.
I stared at the blank paper, thinking up hundreds of scenarios to represent what I wanted to say.
"I guess I'll leave you to your thing. Besides, I've got to go meet up with Rarity this afternoon anyway. Something about skirts, you know me." Archini trotted up the stairs and left the lab, content with sharing something she enjoys with somepony else.
I don't know, even though Darv isn't the writer type, I've always thought of Archini that way.