You have the luminosity off. Also, While the interlinked values is cool, I'm finding that I have to wrestle with various values (unchecking the main sequence box helps) when trying to reach a known set of values and even then, some of the values are off.
Case in point, I used to set the properties for the star. While I was able to get the mass, size and density about right, the luminosity and temp are off. In order to change the luminosity, the mass has to change. I may have forgotten to take into account the range of error for mass, but the luminosity and temp are beyond the range of error.
Edit while posting: Hrm, after some tweaking of the Kepler-22 system, it looks like I did forget to take into account the range of error for mass, although the hab zone seems a little off now.
Edit: I got those same numbers, although with 0.50 L, it's colder of course. Also, Omnigeek, what's the mass and density of the star in your simulation? Just to make sure that we have it right.