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Author Topic: What came first before the Big Bang THEORY  (Read 11443 times)


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What came first before the Big Bang THEORY
« on: July 10, 2011, 10:14:52 PM »
Alright, the title saids it all and let's begin from the big bang theory;

Quote from: Wikipedia
The Big Bang model or theory is the prevailing cosmological theory of the early development of the universe. The theory purports to explain some of the earliest events in the universe (but not the absolute earliest state of things, or where it comes from). Our universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state that expanded rapidly (a "Big Bang"). There is little consensus among physicists about the origins of the universe itself (i.e. just as evolution seeks to explain our past only after the origin of life, the Big Bang theory explains only what happened after the uncertain origin of the universe). What is clear is that the Big Bang caused the young universe to cool and resulted in the present diluted state that continues to expand today. Based on the best available measurements as of 2010, the original state of the universe existed around 13.7 billion years ago, which is often referred to as the time when the Big Bang occurred. The theory is the most comprehensive and accurate explanation supported by scientific evidence and observations.

So which came first before the Big Bang? Now here is my theory of which came first before the big bang.

It's still impossible for the Big Bang to create space because it does need enough space to before it explodes and i'm not talking about the ordinary space that we see in our universe, i'm talking about the void where the primeval atom that contains all of the forces from all of the law of physics that created our universe.

The Void is a globular shaped space which contains nothingness but filled w/ billions of primeval atom which created different universes or dimensions and we are one of it, the void is composed of antimatter and the primeval atoms are coated in matter, IF the primeval atom grows because of its continuous creation inside itself then the antimatters are being attracted of its unknown force that pulls the matter to collide w/ them that results a hole in the primeval atom's shell and soon enough explodes and creates universe

I know that my theory is very hard to understand but you can ask so i can make it clear OK?  ;)


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Re: What came first before the Big Bang THEORY
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2011, 10:28:13 PM »
So your saying that before the Big Bang there were a ton of absolutely massive atoms each weighing about 10^50 kg-10^55 kg?


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Re: What came first before the Big Bang THEORY
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2011, 10:39:02 PM »
More than that, also Matter is just a composition of particles and forces which creates all of the matter we see in the universe while Anti-Matter contains the same particles but w/ opposite charges that triggers them to explode once they collide to each other(Matter + Anti-Matter = New Matter Particle) and still, a war between these two kinds of forces are on going until now and beyond and that might be the reason of continuous creation on inside & out the primeval atoms

I might make a basic simulation of those forces when they collide using Universe Sandbox 2


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Re: What came first before the Big Bang THEORY
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2011, 09:52:46 PM »
Just want to announce, here is an update about my theory!

Matter Force(MF) is a composistion of particles that supports an object nor life.
Anti-Matter Force(AMF) is a composition of particles that supports an object and filled w/ dark matter

The Primeval Atom is a composition of all kinds of forces, here are the parts of an Primeval Atom:
-The Outer Shell(Made of MFs)
-The Chamber(An empty area filled w/ all kinds of forces)
-The Main Core Shell(Made of MFs)
-The Main Core Inner Shell(Made of AMFs)
-The Main Core Networks(Made of MFs and few AMFs)
-The Main Core(Single MF)

Void Spheroid - The empty spherical shaped void which contains MFs, AMFs and Primeval Atoms

A void spheroid was made of Void Atom, a same composition and structure of Primeval Atoms but has the twice amount of AMFs that triggers itself to explode and generate a Void Vacuum that sucks some MFs and AMFs into the new generated Void Spheroid, the Vacuum process will stop once the tunnel is closed


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Re: What came first before the Big Bang THEORY
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2011, 01:14:15 AM »
I like the 'branes' theory.
Hard to prove it, though it seems viable.


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Re: What came first before the Big Bang THEORY
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2011, 01:29:06 AM »
I will try my best to make this theory more stable as i can   ;)


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Re: What came first before the Big Bang THEORY
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2012, 09:03:37 AM »
Here is my theory:
There is no no before the big bang. Since space-time is made during it, it is phisicly imposible for there to be a before the big bang (as there is no such thing as time).
At that time, out of nothing, comes matter (positive) and antimatter (negative). They move away from each other, but a bit goes into each universe. The antimatter Univers drifts out of our sight.


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Re: What came first before the Big Bang THEORY
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2012, 10:08:21 AM »
You are proposing an theory hypothesis idea before the universe existed.  Before matter and spacetime existed.  I don't know if we'll ever be able to know more certainly on something like that, but I'd prefer one of the current competing theories that are real theories because they are at least based on mathematical constructs (String Theory, Virtual Particles). 

It is all well and good to generally define what you feel is how the universe came to be.  Humans have been doing that before they understood clothing.  I would just caution you that, as presented, you cannot defend your theory and it fails any ability to be tested.

Not to say it isn't interesting.  But if your words were more precise, you may be onto an idea or even a hypothesis.


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Re: What came first before the Big Bang THEORY
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2012, 09:33:16 AM »
there was nothing before the big bang, as the big bang created something. So it also created nothing as the universe is everything.

There was nothing before the big bang.


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Re: What came first before the Big Bang THEORY
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2012, 02:29:39 PM »
or maybe we're the subject of an alien experiment :)


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Re: What came first before the Big Bang THEORY
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2012, 02:36:31 PM »
Like they mixed chemicals and put us in a test tube?