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Test Game
« on: December 24, 2011, 04:09:07 PM »
The calculation rule is that if you have one zone, you have two euro production. This is the same for if you have 230 zones. So, the euro production is 2 euros per zone.

To claim one empty zone, it takes five euros. Everything is rounded up to one until it actually is one, which means that if your euro production is two zones, or four euros, you can claim one new zone.

Euros are saved after each unspent euro, and you cannot have negative euros in your bank.

If you don't take your turn after 3 days, you are placed on the inactive list. The next time it is your turn, you may either declare vacation, or take your turn. This second time you still have 3 days to do it. However, if you don't take your turn or declare vacation, you are placed on the inactive list the third turn you do not make a map.

Inactive List:
No one.

To start out with pieces, you have a small boat and yourself. There are 15 different kinds of pieces, which are listed below with their cost:
1 euro - Small Boat
5 euros - Small Airplane
10 euros - Medium Boat
10 euros - Explorer VM 1300
10 euros - 1 Rich Lands Square
12 euros - Medium Airplane
15 euros - 1/2 of an Army
20 euros - Explorer VM 2600
25 euros - Fifth Level of Defense
30 euros - Full Army
30 euros - Large Boat
40 euros - Explorer VM 3900
40 euros - Large Airplane
75 euros - Additional 10 euros lasting 10 turns
100 euros - Bomber

Boats are used to cross water, just like they are in real life.
Small boats can't attack enemy zones, and can only be used to claim land within about 5 squares space of their original location.
Medium boats, however, can attack enemy zones, and can be used to claim land within 20 squares space of their original location.
A large boat, can bombard enemy squares, like an artillery base, and can go anywhere on the board, provided it is water.

Vehicles are used to cross land faster. Whatever zone they land on, is damaged, or is claimed.
An Explorer VM 1300 can travel up to 4 spaces in one turn, and it can also act like a tank on an immediate enemy zone, reducing its defense by 1 each turn.
The Explorer VM 2600, is more powerful, and can travel up to 12 spaces in one turn before its fuel runs out. It is also a tank, and can damage an enemy's defense on that square by 2.
The Explorer VM 3900 can travel 36 spaces in a single turn before its fuel runs out, purges an enemy's defense by 4, and can also take out an adjacent square.
The symbol for an Explorer VM 1300 on a square is the smallest diamond posiible, or 4 pixels in the shape of a plus sign. For the other two vehicles, just increase the diameter by 1 each time.

In this game, airplanes can be used to claim any square from 20, 40, or ∞ squares away.
The small airplane can land up to 20 squares away, and can travel 20 square spaces across water, and it damaged an enemy's defense by 1.
The medium airplane can land up to 40 squares away, and will damage an enemy's defense by 2.
The largest, and second most powerful airplane, can land anywhere on the board, and will damage an enemy's defense by 2, since the massive amount of tiles it can travel is already an advantage.
The stealthiest, the bomber, can traverse any square on the board, and has no symbol, and can also damaged an enemy's zone by 5, and claiming all in one turn.
All other airplanes' symbols are a straight line of 6 pixels, and two diagonal lines 3 pixels long coming from the front. A small airplane is 000 000 64, a medium airplane is 000 000 128, and a large airplane is 000 000 192.

Armies are a normal regiment that can also be used to conquer pieces of the board. Each army is ten thousand men, with a half army being five thousand men. One army can travel one space in a turn, but it fully claims any zone it lands on, if you want it to, as yours, even a high defense. However, the cost of destroying it remains the same as destroying it normally.
The army symbol is a 3x3 black square.

Pieces Store
Saved Euros:
0 - N/A

You may buy the pieces here.

1 euro - Small Boat
5 euros - Small Airplane
10 euros - Medium Boat
10 euros - Explorer VM 1300
10 euros - 1 Rich Lands Square
12 euros - Medium Airplane
15 euros - 1/2 of an Army
20 euros - Explorer VM 2600
25 euros - Fifth Level of Defense
30 euros - Full Army
30 euros - Large Boat
40 euros - Explorer VM 3900
40 euros - Large Airplane
75 euros - Additional 10 euros lasting 10 turns
100 euros - Bomber

Claiming Land
During the first 25 rounds of the game, you can claim any zone around. After the first 25 rounds are over, then you may only claim within 2 spaces of your zones, unless you have a vehicle.

If you want to claim an enemy zone, then it is eight euros for an area with 250/240 as the color, twelve for one with 200/190 as the color, sixteen for one with 150/140 as the color, twenty for one with 100/90 as the color, and twenty-five for one with 50/40 as the color.

Strengthening Defense
There are only 10 positions for playing the game, due to different colors being used for the strength of a zone. The darker a zone is the harder it is to claim from your enemy.

Strengthening your zone one time (200/190) costs three euros and increases your euro production by two, two times (150/140) costs five euros and increases your euro production by four, three times (100/90) costs eight euros and increases your euro production by seven, and four times (50/40) costs twelve euros and increases your euro production by ten.

Using the Seas & Trade
If your island is full, or if you want to stake a claim on an island, you can use the seas to get to them. It doesn't cost any extra euros, because you start out with a ship, and yourself, if your first zone is on the water. To claim an enemy zone from across the sea, it costs an extra three euros, due to the battle gear that is now on the ship/boat.

If you want to trade with another player, then you may use the sea, a common border, or if you have an airplane, anywhere. Trade is ¼ of the euro production that you have. Also, and only if you are trading, you may share up to ½ of your saved euros with another player.

« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 05:10:07 PM by Darvince »


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Re: Test Game
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2011, 04:18:12 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:43:14 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Test Game
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2011, 04:20:24 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:43:11 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Test Game
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2011, 04:58:13 PM »
During the first 25 rounds of the game, you can claim any zone around. After the first 25 rounds are over, then you may only claim within 2 spaces of your zones, unless you have a vehicle.

If you want to claim an enemy zone, then it is eight euros for an area with 250/240 as the color, twelve for one with 200/190 as the color, sixteen for one with 150/140 as the color, twenty for one with 100/90 as the color, and twenty-five for one with 50/40 as the color.

Change the color to blood red pl0x.


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Re: Test Game
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2011, 05:02:03 PM »

test test test test test test test test test test test test test

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test test test test test test test test test test test test test


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Re: Test Game
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2011, 05:02:14 PM »

This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '50649'.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:43:03 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Test Game
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2011, 05:04:04 PM »


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: Test Game
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2011, 05:04:51 PM »
inb4 the forum works!

suddenly, naru tttt's the world