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Author Topic: Mispeller  (Read 2139 times)


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« on: December 16, 2011, 11:05:05 PM »

Before (yes, I modified Asian engrish from Naru's post, namely "drawned"):
The Lurking Powers
Year 1700
After the Great European War has ended with a disasterous Ottoman defeat, the European map was drawn once again. With the Baltic Commonwealth formed from the remnants of the disunited states in Eastern Europe, the great powers were also changed. The Holy German Empire has formed after a vote of the former Holy Roman Empire to be a united state, however, the Italian states, Austria, Prussia, and a few other states had disagreed to be united. A new war is beginning to come, and Europe will be never be the same again.

The Luirkng Poewrs
Year 1700
After the Great Euproean War has ended wtih a dirsatoesus Ottoman defeat, the Eueproan map was drawn ocne again. Wtih the Batlic Coonamlmewth fomred from the remannts of the diuitnsed sttaes in Eatesrn Euorpe, the great powers were also chgnaed. The Holy German Emipre has formed after a vote of the fomrer Holy Roman Empire to be a united state, howveer, the Itliaan sttaes, Autrsia, Prsusia, and a few other sttaes had disergaed to be united. A new war is bengiinng to come, and Euorpe will be never be the same again.


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Re: Mispeller
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2011, 04:14:12 AM »