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Author Topic: Lag-Prevention  (Read 3952 times)


  • formerly mudkipz
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« on: December 17, 2011, 04:17:52 AM »
Hi; was just running a accreation disk system. i restarted to test something and forgot to check the "start paused" button. the resulting lag made the whole computer freeze up until i restarted.

Just like the dust multiplier warning, maybe there could be a trail warning if you have trails turned on on a simulation with more than 20 bodies or something.

In addition a feature to delete objects a certain distance away from the largest body would be nice. my accreation disk result in objects flying out frequently, and they cause lag just by being there.


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Re: Lag-Prevention
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2011, 06:23:33 AM »
Turn trails off and when you do have them on, leave it on 10 or 50. Also, before you save, delete trails, this is probably what you ran into since the sim will want to show the trails on load.

I agree on the delete objects a certain distance away from the main body, especially with exploding objects. At the moment, I just delete objects that are moving too fast to stay in system ASAP or after some have gone through the accretion disk.

I've set up a general rule for the accretion in that if an object is 5 AU (scaled up thats 50, further out than Plutos furthest point) out and it's clear that the object isn't in orbit or has a very long (centuries+) orbit, I delete it.


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: Lag-Prevention
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2011, 06:54:38 AM »
"I've set up a general rule for the accretion in that if an object is 5 AU (scaled up thats 50, further out than Plutos furthest point) out and it's clear that the object isn't in orbit or has a very long (centuries+) orbit, I delete it."

i delete everything that is going in a straight line away from my sun :P
orbits aren't easy to tell with projected paths, but if you see a body heading directly away, it's usually not in orbit.


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Re: Lag-Prevention
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2011, 11:39:22 AM »
Well yea, of course I delete anything that is speeding away from the star. Looking at the objects speed will also give a clue. For me, the escape velocity is around 1-1.10 km/s.

For the binary though, its more complicated since thrown objects will try to orbit both stars, in that case, if the object is far out, the path shows as orbiting both and the detailed info shows it as not orbiting, I delete it.