Ok once again I have not been convinced completely. But here are some fidings:
-the most convincing photo is of the equipment that measures lunar quakes; the top piece of the equipment overlapped one of the cross hairs..... post the original photo, (I can't find it), and I'll look to see. It's a famous photo, but I don't want to find an edited one.
-the lunar lander did not leave a blast crater, clear evidence from the video
-the lunar lander's stand, shaped like a U, had absolutely no dust on it, impossible due to how dusty the moon is
-one picture of the landing site and the lander, and another of just astronauts both had identical backgrounds, as well as one from the mission with the vehicle, and the same mission where they set up equipment (in an area NASA said was slightly over two miles away)
-a Russian satellite took pictures of area 51, showing a crater identical to that in a famous picture said to have been taken while the lander was approaching the moon (this could be why area 51 is so secret, it could be where the hoax was filmed)
-when shown in fast forward, the famous moon landing video looks like people walking ordinarily on Earth, not in an environment with less gravity
-shadows in many famous pictures taken by the astronauts point in different angles, suggesting a second light source, even though the cameras they had did not contain a flash devise
I would say more, but that would be too much for you to think about already.