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Author Topic: Caper System  (Read 7518 times)


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Caper System
« on: November 30, 2011, 08:56:25 AM »
I created a system by blowing up a near by star about 1/16 the size of our Sun. The result was a bunch of small masses that eventually clumped up into a few small planets. The first image shows what it looked like in the beginning, the second image shows a more up close look at what was called the Caper mass. The first planet was named Caper, it developed fast and began its orbit around the sun, it also collected 5 moons, one of which plummeted into Caper after a few hundred years. The third image shows another ealier development when the planets began their orbit around the sun. Most of the smaller masses either became large asteroids or comets or fell into space or the sun, and possibly other planets. Most just went out into space and got deleted. There was no hope for the poor things  :'(

The forth image shows what it now looks like. I did however place a habitable planet near the sun so I guess I sorta cheated there :P (I also added an asteroid belt too, cheater!). Some of the planets are large but have extremely low densities, around 0.0017 g / cubic centimeter. :O

The other image shows their orbital paths, the longest one is Hera, with an orbit of 1898 years. The closest is Makius at only 164 days. It however seems like it wont last long, the sun is pulling it in quick.    

The images are at my website, don't worry its a safe site  8)

I hope you enjoy my system!
« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 09:11:41 AM by rciandes »


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2011, 09:00:22 AM »
Sounds neat, although the links you tried to post aren't showing up, had to quote the post to see them, followed the link and it doesn't work.

You can just attatch the screenshots to the post itself though.


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2011, 09:04:42 AM »
Ya i don't know how to do it :( I have them posted on my website though at http://easyclip2d.com/my-solar-system


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2011, 09:28:11 AM »
This is the very first planet that formed, Caper and it's four moons Io, Dao, Taseo, and Lent. There actually used to be a fifth moon named... I can't remember, not sure if it was named actually.

Caper is the first planet to form and get caught by the sun's orbit, It's mass is 51.2 earths and has a high density of 9.43 g/cm³, it's gravity is at 5.32 earths surface gravity. Pretty intense. It's orbit is 239 years. Not sure how the planet got so dense but it has a strong pull on it's moons.

Io and Dao are falling inward while Taseo and Lent are very very slowly falling outward. It's a fast process on a universal scale, but its still slow to us of course.

Io was the first moon named since Io is my favorite moon name. Its red and is very small to Caper with a mass of 0.092 moons and a gravity of 0.0012 earth's surface gravity. It takes 11.1 days to orbit Caper.

Taseo is the second one, it's got a pale green color to it and is much larger than Io at the size of 0.94 moons. (I'm going off of Universe Sandbox's scale of mass btw). It's orbit takes 24 days.

Dao is the largest of all the moons at 3.68 moons. It's a pale yellow color. It takes 53.1 days to orbit Caper.

Lent is the last and furthest moon. It's smaller than Dao and Taseo at 0.20 moons. It takes 69.6 days to orbit Caper. I'm guessing that it will fall out of orbit within the next seven hundred or so years.

The image is at my website, since It doesn't seem to work here, there is an image showing the planet and moons at a larger scale, then at actual scale.


« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 09:39:16 AM by rciandes »


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2011, 01:04:41 PM »


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2011, 01:10:00 PM »
Still invisible on FireFox, although they show as boxes with a box and red X in them in IE. In fact, when I try to follow the link, it gives a 404 error.

Maybe it has something to do with the formatting of the site it's being linked from? Or the host?

Edit: Huh, okay, what did I do differently from you and the OP?

Edit2: Did you copy link location while in the page itself or did you click the image and then copy link location from there? I did the second one.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 01:15:51 PM by smjjames »


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2011, 01:15:16 PM »
strange, chrome works and i use chrome.
anyway, those orbits are pretty flat/low inclination for an exploding star :D interesting.


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2011, 01:22:07 PM »
Could have something to do with the file pathway, no idea, doing copy link location while on the page that the image is on usually works in FF.


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2011, 01:38:04 PM »
strange, chrome works and i use chrome.
anyway, those orbits are pretty flat/low inclination for an exploding star :D interesting.

Since you can change how many pieces the object can explode into and their speeds and depending on how large the mass is, it is possible. The explosion was probably not accurate at all, but that's not the point, the point was to get mass into the system.


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2011, 01:49:49 PM »
yeah so you just picked a velocity and clicked xplode right? Normally that should send objects flying in all directions. This sim shows most of the bodies on a low inclination.


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2011, 09:28:43 PM »
yeah so you just picked a velocity and clicked xplode right? Normally that should send objects flying in all directions. This sim shows most of the bodies on a low inclination.

if you look at the orbits, the planets did go in all directions but were eventually caught by the star's gravity, the one that takes 1890 years to orbit was one that I thought was going to leave but it stayed on course. You have to pick the right velocity otherwise if it's too slow they all fall back into one mass or they speed out into space never to be seen again... (til deleted by my awesomeness!)


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2011, 09:48:53 PM »
strange, chrome works and i use chrome.
anyway, those orbits are pretty flat/low inclination for an exploding star :D interesting.
I can't see the pictures on Chrome? :o


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2011, 10:19:13 PM »
So i solved the problem why Lent is slowly dropping out of orbit. It's because of Dao. Since Dao is the largest moon with the most mass compared to the other three, When ever Dao and Lent come too close Dao pulls on Lent around messing up it's orbit with Caper. The closest distance Dao and Lent have come is 98,589 miles away. That's freaken close, If you were on Dao looking up at Lent, Lent would be massive in the sky, however, if you were on Lent looking at Dao, at the size of 3 earth masses, Dao would look as if you could just hop there, at least that's what I would imagine. :P

Also I noticed at some point Io and Lent will collide, Lent will win the collision but they may actually collide since Lent crosses Io's Path exactly in the center. Which was amazing that it all lined up like that so well.


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2011, 12:39:41 AM »
@Deoxy: No clue, I don't use chrome though.

@rclandes: I guess you can make that long orbit one a comet. I already have one that I designated a comet which has, atm, a 490 year orbit, although it was 500 something earlier. Probably will change due to the fact that the system is a binary star system. However, scaled up to star system, that orbit would probably be on the order of thousands of years, with an unknown stability ratio.

I think there may be more long period comet orbits that will form, but I need to wait and see which outbound objects are leaving the system forever or are going to slip into an orbit.


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2011, 02:11:18 PM »
@Deoxy: No clue, I don't use chrome though.

@rclandes: I guess you can make that long orbit one a comet. I already have one that I designated a comet which has, atm, a 490 year orbit, although it was 500 something earlier. Probably will change due to the fact that the system is a binary star system. However, scaled up to star system, that orbit would probably be on the order of thousands of years, with an unknown stability ratio.

I think there may be more long period comet orbits that will form, but I need to wait and see which outbound objects are leaving the system forever or are going to slip into an orbit.

It depends on how fast they are going of course, if they are drifting out into space away from its parent star. How did you make your system?


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Re: Caper System
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2011, 02:47:34 PM »
I'm using Denisine's method here: http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php/topic,1944.60.html

After a bunch of restarts, I've settled with and sticking with this accretion iteration. Still very early, not quite 11 years sim time. I'm waiting for more of the objects to clear out before I start a new round of object exploding.

Also, at the time of the posting that you quoted, I wasn't sure what the system escape velocity was, but I've gotten that figured out. I have a lot of long orbit objects and theres some outbound objects that aren't in an orbit, but the velocity is low enough that I'm going to see whether they'll eventually fall back in or not.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 02:55:58 PM by smjjames »