Lord DC: why r u using ipad
TheFluffyFox: Who uses an ipad?
Lord DC: not me
Lord DC: i hate Apple
Lord DC: and is why i have sworn never to use a smartphone, or "stupidphone" as i call it
TheFluffyFox: I'm not a fan of apple products
TheFluffyFox: Over priced
TheFluffyFox: and restricting
WitheHole18: yes
Lord DC: i also hate Twitter
WitheHole18: I have cydia
WitheHole18: clash of clans
Lord DC: because #you #have #to #hashtag# #every #single #little #damn #thing
Xriqxa: #lol
Lord DC: NO!
Lord DC: no hashtagz allowed
Xriqxa: #yes
Xriqxa: ##
Xriqxa: #hashtag
TheFluffyFox: #Hastags #ismclovinit
WitheHole18: I am boring
Lord DC: Nope
Xriqxa: yes u arr

Xriqxa: lol i think he ment bored
WitheHole18: Nope