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Author Topic: Earth's Trojan  (Read 4186 times)


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Earth's Trojan
« on: July 27, 2011, 01:26:15 PM »
Probably not what you think of when you see the word Trojan, but I thought this bit of science news was perfect for a project with US.

Think you can get this to work inside US?


- Valamir


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Re: Earth's Trojan
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2011, 11:18:24 PM »
I thought of it when I saw the words Earth's Trojan.


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Re: Earth's Trojan
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2011, 05:29:31 PM »
I first thought Trojan meant virus or double, but that article is interesting. Hopefully, that's not the 2012 asteroid of doom. Lol, nah, I don't believe 2012 is the end- we could always blow up a 1000-foot asteroid.


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Re: Earth's Trojan
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2011, 03:16:20 PM »
Probably not what you think of when you see the word Trojan, but I thought this bit of science news was perfect for a project with US.

Think you can get this to work inside US?


- Valamir

The article is somewhat wrong. There is another, discovered before this one, named Cruithine.


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Re: Earth's Trojan
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2011, 03:37:57 PM »
It's not really a trojan though. There are like 5 asteroids witht he same orbital period as us, but they don't stay at the L4 or L5 point, they oscillate around, including Cruithne.


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Re: Earth's Trojan
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2011, 01:34:45 PM »
Hmmm - In my "Krissyverse" it is now 2137.

We have Fast Interstellar Travel, and have Colonised some 26 Systems.

We are building a "Vanguard" Battle Station in the Leading Trojan Point of Earth -
This is from an Iron Asteroid of Mass 6.9 x 10^22 Kg.
This is being "inflated" - using ice packed into the drilled-out core, with the hole welded shut.
We are heating the whole Asteroid with solar mirrors whilst spinning it - when it reaches bright red heat on the outside, it will be softened and the ice will explode into superheated steam.
Using Ships with Gravity Control "tractor" beams to pull the ends -  it will be stretched to a prolate spheroid of dimensions 2,300 Km in diameter, and 3,500 Km in length.
This will have an internal volume of 2.623 x 10^8 Km^3 - and will be built as a Major Battle Station, with massive firepower and 12 x  20 Gigawatt Fusion Powerplants.
It will have a Crew of 451,000 total.
This will be self-propelled, but only with powerful In-System Drives, not Interstellar Drives.

Trojan Points are useful places to "park" a Battle Station of this size - to hold them ready for Defence of Earth, if and when we are attacked.  There is a smaller Battle Station - as a wholly artificial structure, being built in the Trailing Trojan Point.