I know this is probably a wierd question, considering that we dont even fully understand dark matter yet

But when creating galaxies and stuff, it seems as they just spin themselves apart, eventually. Even at very low timesteps (but still reasonably fast so you'll see a result within your lifetime lol).
This is, as you know, spot on to what our current model of gravity tells us that galaxies "should" do, and the reason why the dark matter theory has gained so much credibility. There simply has to be more mass to keep the galaxies intact..
Now, i'm just wondering if you have any plans to include some kind of dark matter equation? Obviously something very simple, like a very simplified more global gravity-calculation acting only on a bunch of stars/particles rather than on every tiny body.
I've found however that a semi-fix is to just increase the overall gravity modifier to 1.25 or something, though of course that applies to everything, even small moons orbiting planets, so it sort of only works well in galaxy sims :=)
I dunno why i made this thread lol, just wondering if you had any thoughts on including something like that, for the galaxy simulations that is. Thanks!