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Author Topic: Inform 7  (Read 2321 times)


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Inform 7
« on: August 06, 2011, 04:05:33 PM »
Quote from: Inform 7's Website
Inform is a design system for interactive fiction based on natural language. It is a radical reinvention of the way interactive fiction is designed, guided by contemporary work in semantics and by the practical experience of some of the world's best-known writers of IF.

Put your finished projects and work-in-progresses here.

I am building an interactive fiction called Horror House. The code is here (of course it's a WIP):

Code: [Select]
The wooden door is a door. The metal door is a door. A room is usually lighted. The flashlight is a device. The Electrical Control Device is a device.

Instead of switching on the flashlight:
say "You have switched on the flashlight.";
now the flashlight is lit.

Instead of switching off the flashlight:
say "You have switched off the flashlight.";
now the flashlight is dark.

Visibility rule when in darkness:
if the player is carrying a lit thing (called lamp):
there is sufficient light;
there is insufficient light.

Hotel Room A is a room. "This is just an ordinary room, but there's blood in the air shaft." The wooden door is east of Hotel Room A and west of the Hallway. The wooden door is locked. There is a desk in Hotel Room A. On the desk is a book and a flashlight. The flashlight is switched off. The description of the book is "I know a way out, it's through the ventilation shaft, which is above your head. Go through and find the exit. That's the way- blood marks go down the page after that."

Instead of opening a locked door, say "It's locked!"
Instead of throwing a noun at a locked door, say "That won't work. It's locked."

The Air Shaft is above Hotel Room A. "There is blood everywhere, and it leads to the 'exit' of the hotel. Hopefully I can get out. I feel like there is more ahead. Like a test of my mind or my sanity."

The Library is west of Air Shaft. The Library is dark. "The electricity appears to not be working. I hear sounds behind that door, but it says 'Electricity Control Room', so I need to go there. I guess I'll have to see if it's my imagination, or it's really a monster." There is a table in the Library. On the table is a piece of paper. The description of the piece of paper is "Hello, if you got my last message, I was attacked. I survived of course, but now I can't really breathe, because my lungs were cut open slightly. I lost almost all of my blood, which is why my writing is really sloppy. Look, if you want to get out alive, you have to find me. Then we'll find the exit out of here. Signed, Filip"

The metal door is east of Electricity Control Room and west of the Library. The Electricity Control Room is a room. "Must have been my imagination."
The Electrical Control Device is in the Electricity Control Room. A button is part of the Electrical Control Device. The Electrical Control Device is switched off.

Instead of pushing the button:
if the Electrical Control Device is switched off:
say "The electricity is now running.";
now the Electrical Control Device is switched on;
now the library is lighted;
otherwise if the Electrical Control Device is switched on:
say "You already turned it on.".

Release along with an interpreter, and a website.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 04:25:22 PM by deoxy99 »