* atomic7732 was investigating patterns of tropical cyclone activity and did this quick thing
1982-1985 vs 2012-2015
[08:38] Kalassak things to note:
[08:38] Kalassak epac appears to have moved slightly east
[08:39] Kalassak really actually
[08:39] Kalassak the tracks contracted
[08:39] Kalassak not sure why that would be
[08:39] Kalassak wpac has more storms closer to the equator
[08:39] Kalassak arabian sea has much stronger storms
[08:39] Kalassak swio is much more sprawled about
[08:40] Kalassak spac has receded west
[08:40] Kalassak atl is more sprawled about and there are more TCs further south
of course, these are just 4 years each, which could easily be influenced by ENSO or other oscillating climate patterns
some of the changes i think that have more merit: arabian sea, spac, and wpac
i'm going to do some more in-depth analyses when i finish putting all the tracks on my website back to 1963, then i'll do a decades version of this