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Author Topic: Search for Radiometeors Online !  (Read 4384 times)


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Search for Radiometeors Online !
« on: July 16, 2011, 06:13:55 PM »
You guys have heard of the radiometeoros station of Speceweather.com?

They transmit the military radar signal located in Texas 24hrs a day:

- http://www.spaceweatherradio.com/

Sometimes you can hear a hiss, like a "bird whistle" are meteors that pass ionizing the air and creating a trail of plasma  highly reflective to the radar waves. Most of the time we listening many satellite signals, but sometimes you can clearly perceive meteors.

A listener has two options to record meteors, keep an ear and note the time that there was a "hiss" characteristic or use a "Audio Stream" recording program and stay it to recording the station's signal at night, next open the audio file and search for the meteors signals more calmly. To complement can be used an audio editing software to fast forward the audio while watching if any area of ​​greater intensity comes amid static.

I used the latter method, I captured audio stream at all night with the software "Wondershare Streaming Audio Recorder", then the audio files were examined and treated (to reduce noise) in the software "Cool Edit Pro" where I cut out only the portions that actually looked like meteors (although I have doubts about some of them that can be satellites).

Finally I made a screenshot movie of the software Cool Edit "HyperCam 2" and attach the audio to the movie with the "Virtual Dub"

I did not record the time of passage of the meteor, while it is easy to do if we write down the time they began recording.

The result can be seen, and heard, here:

Radio meteors captured in Spaceweatherradio.com

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Re: Search for Radiometeors Online !
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2011, 08:42:54 PM »
Can you send in data for them? The way you said it made it sound like that.


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Re: Search for Radiometeors Online !
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2011, 09:10:47 PM »
Can you send in data for them? The way you said it made it sound like that.

No, I suppose not Neutron, but surely IMO (International Meteor Organization) will be interested in the registers (even textual) of the radiometeors identify in spacewheather radio:

- http://www.imo.net/

If you are interested in contribute look for the standard reports models for radiometeors.

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