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Author Topic: My Krissyverse  (Read 3787 times)


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My Krissyverse
« on: July 15, 2011, 09:55:28 AM »
The Local Systems in our part of Space

Colonised and Discovered Systems in "Phoenix Space"

The part of The Milky Way which forms space occupied by The Phoenix Confederation
I still have to get the Stars the right colours and masses - ATM they are just copies of the Sun.

In this View - the Galaxy has been rotated through 180 degrees - the Sun ( Sol ) is near the top of the Galaxy ( Milky Way ), and the Galactic Core is down ( a long way below the bottom ).

Also - below is a View of Gamma System - now the Dominion of New Byznatium, one of the five Dominions of The Phoenix Alliance.
This is an odd one - one Planet Gamma 1 ( now Constantinople ) - a Rocky Planet 300 x Earth Mass, with three Habitable Moons - now Colonies
Rome ( Gamma 1A ),  Rhodes ( Gamma 1B ), Moria ( Gamma 1C ) - now all fully developed, withy large Populations.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 10:05:56 AM by karakris »


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Re: My Krissyverse
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2011, 09:41:38 PM »
Very nice :).

Did you put everything in 1 simulation, minor moons and all?  Or is the total map just the stars and then each system done separately in detail?


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Re: My Krissyverse
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2011, 02:44:10 AM »

I am the G.M. - so I did the top one - Star Map of all Local Systems.

We are now on the point of discovering two "outlier" Systems - further in than this Map, AND "above" and below the main mass of The Milky Way.
I am still waiting for an Option to place Stars in X ( radius ), Y and Z cooridinates.  Yes - X we have.

The Player running New Byzantium did his own Simulation for the Gamma System.
He introduce me to Uni Sand, and that it is cheaper via Steam.

I am not sure if the Memory requirements will allow for all of the Systems to be done as local "zoom ins" from the Star Map.
For safety on this issue, avoid crashes - I may do each System separately.

I am soo busy with all other aspects of the Game - but I really DO want to do Sims of All of the Systems.
Some are very interesting.
For some - I need to wait until we can auto-create REAL Asteroid Belts - see Thread on that one.


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Re: My Krissyverse
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2011, 07:31:41 AM »
I am not sure if the Memory requirements will allow for all of the Systems to be done as local "zoom ins" from the Star Map.  For safety on this issue, avoid crashes - I may do each System separately.

That's definitely what I would do.  Even 1 system, if it's got enough objects, can push the limits.

However, doing them all separately brings up the issue of synching them in time, so the planets and such will be in their proper places around their obits when the players are in each system.  But I suppose that would only be an issue if you needed such positional accuracy for tactical movements within a system.  Still, it would be nice if we could enter a date when we load up a simulation.


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Re: My Krissyverse
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2011, 11:54:34 AM »
Yeh - something else to add to the "improvements" list for Uni Sand.


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Re: My Krissyverse
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2011, 12:10:30 PM »
Here is 1 System which I did yesterday.

The Iota System.

Cold dull red Star - two Planets ( Jinx is habitable, but a Prolate Spheroid ), mini white Dwarf Star in outer orbit - with six min-Planets.  Some are Habitable.