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Author Topic: Star Vectors - or Location Dimensions - PLEASE  (Read 3006 times)


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Star Vectors - or Location Dimensions - PLEASE
« on: July 09, 2011, 01:37:19 PM »
Star Vectors - or Location Dimensions

One other Thing - Seriously.

We can EDIT the Galactic Radius of any Star we add - so we can effectively move it in or out Radially.

However - there are no other dimensional locations.
An Angular Location would be VERY useful - especially if it could be edited.
AND - an up / down ( Z Axis ) Location - i.e. at right angles to the plane of the Galactic Ecliptic would be very useful.
I need to be able to know where the Stars which I add are actually located - in all three Vectors, and to be able to Edit those Vectors.

Please Consider adding these things

Dan Dixon

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Re: Star Vectors - or Location Dimensions - PLEASE
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2011, 07:33:26 PM »
I think I understand what you're asking.

Can you list out the individual values (or textboxes) that you would like to see added.

For example:
- Position X, length unit
- Position Y, length unit
- Position Z, length unit


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Re: Star Vectors - or Location Dimensions - PLEASE
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2011, 03:05:23 PM »
@ Dan

If agreed

X - Distance ( Radius ) from Galactic Centre - Light Years ( or selectable Units )
Y - Distance from Sol - Plus or Minus - Light Years ( or selectable Units )
Z - Distance from Galactic Mean Ecliptic ( orbit ) - Plus or Minus - Light Years ( or selectable Units )

I prefer to work in Light Years myself, but other may have different preferences.
I would prefer not to have to recalculate - from Kilometres or from Parsecs, this woukd be better as an option.

This would also help in positioning Binary pairs, Triplets, whatever.
One of my Systems has five Stars - would be nice to postion them, then set thme to orbit around their common Barycentre.

For Planets in a Star System ( orbiting around a Star or Star Group ) - AU seems the best Unit
Your existng arrangements for controlling Orbit - variable parameters for the Orbit, including variation of Angle to the common Ecliptic are useful.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 03:11:18 PM by karakris »


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Re: Star Vectors - or Location Dimensions - PLEASE
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2011, 03:10:12 PM »
One last thing

ATM we can slect a group of Objects by putting a Box around them -

but sometimes this is more than a bit awkward, if we want to pick some ( not all ) objects in an area of space

Could we have a Cntrl-Click option to select all objects to apply a Command to.

Sorry - just thought - is there any way to move a Planet AND its Moons - to a new location.


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Re: Star Vectors - or Location Dimensions - PLEASE
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2011, 03:14:56 PM »

Last thing

I am still wanting an Automatic Asteroid Belt Generator - with variable parameters for inner Radius, Outer Radius, numer of Asteroids, Max and Minimum Sizes.
As asked for elsewhere - as ACTUAL Asteroid Objects, which would each have the options for Editing Properties, orbit, and Naming.

I have several Star Systems with nothing but loads of Asteroids - lots of which have Colonies and Bases.
To create them one by one would take more time than I have.