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Author Topic: Keep Rings around a planet?  (Read 4826 times)


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Keep Rings around a planet?
« on: July 10, 2011, 12:15:32 PM »
Hi Loving the program so far... but I have created my own solar system, but i can not keep ring around the planets, they either shoot off into space really fast, or thy spin around the planet for a little bit before the planets eats the ring?

Also how does one create and Astroid field?

Thank you for reading.

Dan Dixon

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Re: Keep Rings around a planet?
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2011, 02:16:48 PM »
Your time step is too high. Try slowing it way down to keep the rings in place.

If the planet is eating the rings it's probably because you're too close to other massive bodies that are disrupting the rings orbit.

There's not a 'good' way to create an asteroid field yet, but you can use the ring feature and just scale the distances way up.

Does that help?


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Re: Keep Rings around a planet?
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2011, 06:41:59 PM »
No, the time step is set to 1 minute and with in a year the rings start hitting the planet, and there is no other mass planets or objects near it i put jupiter in orbit around the sun at the right distance it truly is and the rings wont stay... kinda suck i can create a solar system but cant put the rings in, and playing the game less the 1 min in step to is just silly and boring, its likes its paused.

Thanks for Reading