I've already noticed the button in the interface, but when i click it, the simulation starts to go very slow and just a few steps every 2, 3 seconds. It is normal? And what is the number near this button for?
When you right click in Universe Sandbox it brings up the control panel. In the lower left is the Capture panel. Here's what the buttons do:
Screenshot"Screenshot" button (F12) takes a screenshot without any UI elements (like the buttons and panels) and it is saved here:
(My) Documents\Universe Sandbox\Images
You can take a screenshot with the UI by pressing Ctrl+F12
High Res"High Res" (F9) takes 9 screenshots (3x3) and combines them together into a single massive screenshot. (saved in the same folder as above)
Movie"Movie" (F4) starts saving single images in a subfolder with the date and time that can be found here:
(My) Documents\Universe Sandbox\Movies
You can piece together these images into a single avi file with most video editing software. You can also use a free program called VirtualDub.
http://www.virtualdub.org/The number to the right of the Movie button is how often Universe Sandbox should save the image. The default (5) saves an image every 5 frames. Setting this to 1 would save every frame. And 10000 would save an image every 10000 drawn frames.
When you're recording Universe Sandbox tells you how many frames have been saved and how long they would play back at 30 fps (frames per second).
When you're recording the interface can feel unresponsive. Try holding down button presses longer so that Universe Sandbox can catch them. (Like when you're trying to stop a recording; hold down the F4 key until Universe Sandbox says that it has stopped).
Camera OrbitYou can have the camera move in movie mode by turning on "Camera Orbit" (at the bottom of the View Controls panel). The two numbers to the right of "Camera Orbit" are the number of degrees to rotate the camera each second, horizontally and vertically. This is how I captured all of the video for the video on the main page.
EDIT: I thought this whatching a galaxy collision simulation (Andromeda-Milky Way): In those simulations all the partlcles orbit around the 2 centers of mass so that there's never a real fusion of the galaxies because those centers follow their orbits forever
Very true and something I will be addressing in a future release (but not the next one).
Your best bet is using something like FRAPS.
Fraps would be good to use for recording the simulation as you use it.
The built in movie commands are designed for high resolution, lossless, non-real time rendering. This is how the Discovery Channel captured galaxy collision for their "Cosmic Collisions" program.
I wish it should be faster 
Me too. I'm sure there are ways to make this faster, but it's not a high priority right now. Fraps records in real time and works really well.