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Author Topic: Planet Creation  (Read 5733 times)


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Planet Creation
« on: May 13, 2011, 01:22:11 PM »
Hey everybody, first off I'd like to thank the development team for creating such an awesome product for us to play around with. You guys (and girls if there are any) rock!!!  ;D 

Now I would like to through out some suggestions.
1: I was wondering if it would be possible to implement some sort of planet creator tool where you can edit the amount of water on the planet, atmospheric conditions, all that good stuff, and even maybe edit the particular land masses a little bit, like make mountains and stuff. I think it'd be cool to be able to watch the effects of moons or other planets, suns, asteroids, etc on a planets surface.
2: Also I was wondering if it would also be able to add in some sort of on planet screenshot system that estimated what it would be like to look up from an individual planet into the night sky and it takes into account the gases and stuff so it tints the colors and stuff. (I.e. what would it look like as Triton ate up Proteus and Neptune's other moons from the surface of Neptune.... for an idea of what I'm asking, if you can even look through Neptune's atmosphere, but you get the idea)...
3:Planet scarring.... It leave marks now but from what I saw it was a white dot on  the surface, maybe its different for otoher planets but the white dot doesn't quite get across that sense of destruction that a real impact probably would i.e. dust clouds and stuff (actually makes me wonder if there's a prehistoric earth meteor collision.... for new topic maybe. or even Australia's Wolf Creek) Anyways something that actually shows the changes when the meteor hits and not a simple white dot.... though its better than nothing for now.
4:Lastly I think one Giant galaxy only for major computer systems that compiles all the objects in their best quality available. Just so when I'm zooming around the galaxy's i can stop by whenever I want and do some quick reading on things that look interesting.

Also I'm still new to the program and still learning it so no filleting  :-\

Anyways that's my two cents worth take it in stride or not.... No criticisms nothing but praise and recommendation for the program.... thanks again   :D


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    • Faith Kicker
Re: Planet Creation
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2011, 01:46:15 AM »

Dan Dixon

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Re: Planet Creation
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2011, 03:19:15 PM »
These are all very interesting ideas. If you haven't already, please add them here:

And I moved the male vs female discussion here:


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Re: Planet Creation
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2011, 11:36:33 AM »
Cool ideas