The aim of the game is to create a world. There is no game at the end of the creation, it is an effort in world building to create a realistic impression of a world, but starting with creating the countries.
A bonus map is a map that is separate, has a limited time to fill it, and if it isn't completely filled everything else becomes Terra nullus, and/or has a limited amount of nations that can be put on it.
The POD of this world will be decided. The current year is 1850, and there can be major colonial empires on one continent, but on most of the others they would rebel or mostly rebel by this point. You may edit in nations when a nation already exists there, mostly in the example of filler nations would this be needed.
Areas coloured grey on the map are NOT allowed to be claimed on, as they are part of other continents. Borders must be ONE PIXEL THICK and coloured black. The map must always be saved as a PNG image.
The moderators are myself and Naru so we have reserve a right to alter borders slightly if we see fit. Note that you may claim several nations on one continent, as we may have not many players.
PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT a map game/nations game. This is a map continuation. This one is also only to be used when either Map Continuation 1 is locked, or is finished.