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Author Topic: Elenin  (Read 8547 times)


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« on: May 21, 2011, 12:45:02 AM »
I seriously doubt the validity of this video and doomsday theory. There are some things that I want to be certain of so that I won't be talking out of my ass when it comes to debunking this.


Things this guy says that Elenin is not a comet but a brown dwarf. He says he will explain why he believes that, but he doesn't.

Then he says that because Elenin comes into alignment with Earth, there will be earthquakes.

Then he says that Elenin will probably leave a trail of debris behind it, which Earth will fall into, which is harmful. In the video, he shows Elenin's orbital path in 2D.

Is it possible for earthquakes to be caused because celestial bodies are aligned?
Is it possible for Elenin to be a brown dwarf?
Does Elenin's path really intersect Earth's path in 3D?
Can brown dwarfs even leave a trail of debris behind them?
And wouldn't this trail of debris be harmless, as is the trail of debris left behind by comets?
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 01:00:54 AM by phasma_phasmatis »


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Re: Elenin doomsday crap
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2011, 12:52:24 AM »
Elenin is not a dwarf star.

Its a comet from the ort cloud.

nothing special.


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Re: Elenin
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2011, 05:54:17 AM »
Elenin comes no where near Earth, and as a comet I think it's only going to be mag 6.5 or somemthing.

Nibiru has more scientific standing than Elenin as a doomsday.


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Re: Elenin
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2011, 06:01:48 AM »
1. Earthquakes? There's already tectonic plates.
2. Elenin would've affect the Solar System million of years ago if it was a brown dwarf.
3. It's possible, but I don't really know Elinin what-so-ever.
4. Trails of gas possibly, but its still a comet.
5. High possibility.


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Re: Elenin
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2011, 11:35:18 AM »
Things this guy says that Elenin is not a comet but a brown dwarf. He says he will explain why he believes that, but he doesn't.

Then he says that because Elenin comes into alignment with Earth, there will be earthquakes.

Shure, cause Elenin emitts "Magicions", magic particles that can cause effects on tectonic plates.

Then he says that Elenin will probably leave a trail of debris behind it, which Earth will fall into, which is harmful. In the video, he shows Elenin's orbital path in 2D.

They says cause they know nothing about basic physics or planetary dynamics and if someone know they pretend not to know to profit under those who really not know ( urging their wackiness ).  ;)

Is it possible for earthquakes to be caused because celestial bodies are aligned?

No. I recomend the reading of this article:

Is it possible for Elenin to be a brown dwarf?


Sometime ago I've made a simulation in Starry Night software to compare the size of the Jupiter and of an alleged Elenin with the diameter of the Jupiter at the distance over which the comet was at the time:

And there are amateur and professional astronomers who are following photographically the evolution of the comet Elenin:

- http://www.amication.de/Bernhards_Comet_Project/c2010x1_elenin.htm
- http://www.amication.de/Bernhards_Comet_Project/c2010x1_20110304.htm
- http://members.westnet.com.au/mmatti/webpage/2010X1_Elenin.htm
- http://www.astronomie.be/pieterjan.dekelver/Photometric%20observations.htm

How you can see in the sites above we do not see Elenin ( even with your atual coma and tail ) with the size expect if it have the Jupiter size ( and Brown Dwarfs are bigger than Jupiter ! ), it remains visually tiny with a tiny tiny magnitude because their size is tiny even when compared to Pluto and even some asteroids.

Typical comets have a nucleus size of 16 km ( there are suspicions that the nucleus of Elenin is even smaller, about 4 km, something like the size of the nucleus of the comet 19/P Borely or the Wild2 ), compare it with the size of another small asteroids and typical comets:

source of image: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap100726.html

Does Elenin's path really intersect Earth's path in 3D?

Yes, but at the time of their two maximum approaches with the Earth, in the first approach the Earth will be far from the comet, and in the second approach it will stay well above of the plane of the orbit of our planet, equally distant from Earth.

The whole mess is that in the simulator of the of JPL that crap gives the impression that the comet is in the same plane of orbit in the second approach, colliding with our planet. But just turn the point of view in the simulator to see the comet will not hit.

Can brown dwarfs even leave a trail of debris behind them?

I do not see how. Even though the ELENINI be a brown dwarf at a distance that is driving the solar wind would not be so intense that he can overcome the immense gravity that it would (the theoretical limit of mass for a brown dwarf is about 13 Jupiter masses )

And wouldn't this trail of debris be harmless, as is the trail of debris left behind by comets?

As dangerous as the debris left behind by the comet Halley.

In the passage of Halley in 1912, this paranoia, this mass hysteria, occurred in much the same way that we see today about the Elenin. The Earth at that time really cross the comet's tail and the people said that it could be toxic (cyanide were among the gases in the Halley's tail ) and contaminating the atmosphere. Gas masks were sold in the streets ( my grandmother says that hid under the bed in fear in the day that the Halley reached its maximum approach with the Earth )!

And nothing happened precisely because the density of the tail of a comet is ridiculously low! Even solid waste may, at most, result in beautiful meteor showers with some fireballs.

Dazzled with the heavens, do not lost your time fearing it !

[ ]´s


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Re: Elenin
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2011, 06:43:16 PM »
Is it possible for earthquakes to be caused because celestial bodies are aligned?

The moon pulls and tugs on Earth more than all of the planets in a straight line on one side of us (at real distances).

Also, you must define "aligned" aligned with what? It really wouldn't matter anyway. If it even was a brown dwarf (which is impossible) it doesn't even come near Earth enough. You could probably calculate that it'd tug less than the moon. And the moon causes land tides (of 3 cm).