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Author Topic: Feature Request: Object velocity limit (the speed of light)  (Read 3494 times)


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I was just watching the Milky Way - Andromeda collision and noticed how the two galaxy black holes orbit the center of mass in highly eccentric orbits with velocities at perigee that far exceed the speed of light. It would be nice to limit velocities for all objects in the simulation (most often set to the speed of light, but an adjustable value would be nice).


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Re: Feature Request: Object velocity limit (the speed of light)
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2011, 12:19:19 AM »
Are black holes even subject to the speed of light? I mean, even light bends around them and can't escape, so I don't know if they are.


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Re: Feature Request: Object velocity limit (the speed of light)
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2011, 04:00:18 PM »
Yes, black holes are subject to the limitations of the speed of light, as well as those things which are being pulled in to a black hole. Just because there is no light present in a given space (because it's been re-directed toward a high-mass object) doesn't mean that it's a vacation spot from the laws of physics.

Dan Dixon

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Re: Feature Request: Object velocity limit (the speed of light)
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2011, 04:40:12 PM »
The 'stars' that shoot out of the galaxy collisions are because the simulation is running too fast. They're not moving at the speed of light, however, but probably around 1/100 that fast.

Thanks for the comment and be sure to include your idea here:


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Re: Feature Request: Object velocity limit (the speed of light)
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2011, 03:30:33 PM »
There's not much point in introducing this cap, as none of the relativistic effects are applied in the simulator. It is only really a gravity simulator that uses classical physics and classically there is no limit to velocity.