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Author Topic: Weather Service: Forces of Nature  (Read 3840 times)


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Weather Service: Forces of Nature
« on: June 09, 2011, 01:06:23 AM »
dun dun dun

You're a forecaster for the weather Service of a still yet unnamed nation. You border a warm ocean, and you get dry hot summers... You have a 2 million person nation (idk something random) you've got control over. You need to keep them safe!

Various forces of nature occur and you have to issue evacuation statements and sever thunderstorm warnings and tornado warnings. You have at your disposal an updating map of disasters occurring and major cities, a map where you can issue the advisories, and e-mail. Take reports with a grain of salt as some uneducated people may report tornadoes and they don't know it's just scud. Trust report members more because they've been trained, and use this information to inform others of the impending disasters... gain save points for saving lives, but if you missed one... Earn fail points.

These two forms of points mean you can play the normal weather service... or the corrupted government service....

you will start in the winter (easy), and it will progressively get harder until it dwindles in the the fall.

Beta coming June 18!


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Re: Weather Service: Forces of Nature
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2011, 05:04:36 PM »


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