Hi there.
I spent about an hour now creating my first version of the Tatooine solarsystem (Tatoo) from star wars.
There are two stars, one big (Tatoo I, a re-named VY Canis Majoris) and a much smaler one (Tatoo II, a re-named Sun). A problem is that the big star doesn't give enough sunlight(starlight?) to light up the planet if I place it in the green area (the habitable zone). Is it supposed to be like that?
Ok. tatooine seems to be going around in circles. But the two other planets will (in about 1000 years or so) be cast out of the solarsystem because of the two stars dancing in the middle. Would it be possible to lock a planet/moon to a fixed orbit around one planet where it wont be pulled out by other stars?
Any suggestions to other fictional solarsystems I could try to create? Or do any of you have tips on working with dubble-solarsystems? That would come in handy

And also: There sould be a category in the forums for simulation-creation.
edit: fixed the green-zone problem by using smaler stars (Sun as Tatoo I and Wolf 359 as Tatoo II). But still, I find it strange.