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Author Topic: According to Dan, the system i made should be impossible in Universe Sandbox  (Read 6594 times)


  • Universe Sandbox 1 Beta Team
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Dan said its not possible to make to planets with same mass orbit each other.

I did and its stable. It was a lots of work^^
« Last Edit: March 07, 2009, 05:57:00 PM by Andreas »


  • Universe Sandbox 1 Beta Team
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However Dan refered to ++the [orbit parent] feature ;)


  • Universe Sandbox 1 Beta Team
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The tidal effects in that system should be cool ha ha


  • Universe Sandbox 1 Beta Team
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The tidal effects in that system should be cool ha ha

The planet Gaia is out of the Roche Limit of the planet Theia (the densest), any physical impediment doesn't exist for Gaia Theia.

Certainly Dan accomplished this statement on some other specific point of the software as said FGFG.

[ ]´s

Dan Dixon

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What I said was that the 'Orbit Parent' and 'Orbit All' tools do not currently work for bodies of the same mass. If you change one of them to be just slightly different, then they will make some kind of orbit.

I want to improve the tool to allow creating orbits around the center point for groups of objects and for creating binary orbits of similarly massive bodies.

But certainly, it's fair to say that this is not yet intuitive to figure out or easy to do.

Good times.

More information
« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 04:04:06 PM by Dan Dixon »


  • Universe Sandbox 1 Beta Team
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if we want to for example 2 galaxies with the same mass then change velocity so that it works like Andreas