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Author Topic: Galaxy Texture Question.  (Read 6997 times)


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Galaxy Texture Question.
« on: April 30, 2011, 03:19:19 AM »

   Thank you Dan Dixon for bringing this simulation to the public and make it acceptable to everyone, even if they lack the programing skills. I just purchased the game from Steam, and I am very much enjoying the game. And I would like to know how to run the galaxies collision simulation, but with the same texture as it was viewed in the video page of the Universe Sandbox website. I am referring to the video with the title: Andromeda & Milky Way Collision, video by ShizzlaNo1.

To clear up the question more, how can I change the texture so it can be as the one shown in the video, and not as it is when you run the simulation using the default texture in the system.

Please, read before responding, for I am not asking how to run the simulation normally, I am asking about running it with the enhanced texture. Thank you for reading.


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Re: Galaxy Texture Question.
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2011, 03:38:38 AM »
Is it this video?

It looks like it uses the same default texture, but with a higher number of particles. You can multiply the default number of particles by up to 25.
I can't find where you can do it in the program atm though. Alternatively, you can probably place multiple galaxies on top of each other (you can enable the "merge" collission type so the bodies merge, and place them on the same coordinates).

Anyways, it is possible to change the textures. You can do it by placing them in your media folder, which is located at:
My Documents\Universe Sandbox\Media
When you're in the program, you write the filename in the highlighted area.

(Btw, I've moved this to Universe Sandbox 2 Help, because the program on Steam is Universe Sandbox 2. :))


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Re: Galaxy Texture Question.
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2011, 03:57:33 AM »
Thank you Bla for your fast respond, and for your informative post. I was playing with merging the galaxy as you were describing, and it was a lot of fun, but still didn't seem as impressive in imagery as the one shown in the video. And yes, you got it right, it is that video.

I will attach a comparison image to show the difference. I would like the simulation to be run just like the screenshot from the top image in the comparison image that I attached with this post.

I can't seem to find another texture other than star.dds

Thank you again.


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Re: Galaxy Texture Question.
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2011, 05:04:54 AM »
There's no difference in the textures. The one who made the video had increased the particle multiplier, which is why it looks much more impressive. Sadly, I can't find the particle multiplier setting currently, but I can say there's no need to change the texture.
If you can't find the particle multiplier setting, you could alternatively place multiple galaxies on top of each other (even though it isn't so easy).

Edit: Use this slider, "dust multiplier".
« Last Edit: April 30, 2011, 06:34:08 AM by Bla »


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Re: Galaxy Texture Question.
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2011, 08:27:22 AM »
Thank you! This fixed my problem and it is now working perfectly. But I can see why it is not the default setting. It does drain a lot of computing power from the computer.

Thank you again.