Often read that the Moon would be a kind of natural Earth's “shield”, protecting us of the impact of (really) large asteroids, especially in the period of formation of our planet.
Although the probability of an asteroid of considerable mass can be attracted by the moon is low (in fact it only will happen by luck, just because the moon was in its way), I decided to do some simulations to test this argument.
Than I created, an object ( with 0.15 lunar mass and a velocity of 12 km/s ) in direct route of collision with the moon in various angles:
If the body collided on dark side of the moon ( opposed the Earth ) speed ejection of the fragments (about 12 km/s ) would they spread toward contrary direction to the Earth, few fragments would finish being attracted by our planet and coming to clash with us:

But if the crash occur in an angle that reach any part of the region visible of the moon then fragments would ejected at a speed of collision in direction of our planet:

Well, the mass of material ejected would be approximately 0.03 lunar masses ( cause part of the mass was accretad with the moon ) or 2.204E21 kg . The Earth occupies a small fraction of the area of the surface of the sphere (that can be drawn and the moon at the center of sphere ) of dispersal of fragments, than I conclude that only a small percentage of this material definitively reach our planet. This quantity would be sufficient to create a global disaster !
The percentage of the fragments that reach the Earth would be (radius of the Earth/ radius of the orbit of the moon)^2/2, or 0.014% and the mass would fall in the Earth would be 3E17 kg, comparable to a asteroid of 72 km in diameter.
The energy of the total impact of all fragments that reach us are 8E29 joules, equivalent to 380 trillion megatons or the conversion of 8 billion tonnes of matter/antimatter. Do not know how much energy would be transformed into heat, but it seems more than enough to transform the moon into a ball of metals and silicon in fusion, thousands of degrees. It would lead some decades to come back to solidify and 6 thousand years for cool until its "normal" temperature, if we applying this formula:
http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/thermo/cootime2.htmlConclusion: If a large object were to collide with the moon we should have luck to this colision occur in the correct angle to avoid a global disaster because otherwise...
"This is the end, Beautiful friend
This is the end, My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end"Doors - "It´s the End"
note: Thanks to Antonio Luiz of the Orkut community "Astronomia!" by the help with the calculations.
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