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Author Topic: Politics  (Read 403911 times)


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Re: Politics
« Reply #660 on: April 14, 2014, 10:36:13 AM »
The High Tyto and Her Pureness immediately.
ew Kludd and Nyra


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Re: Politics
« Reply #661 on: April 14, 2014, 10:59:12 AM »
A majority of people having opinions that oppose those of a minority group and discussing these is not bullying. What is bullying is telling Phinehas to leave the forum because he supposedly has childish arguments.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #662 on: April 14, 2014, 12:04:18 PM »
Oh yeah, we are bullying phinehas when he has called people parasites, indoctrinated, ignorant, dumb, and crazy.... Xriqxa, are you freaking kidding me?


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Re: Politics
« Reply #663 on: April 14, 2014, 12:05:46 PM »
A majority of people having opinions that oppose those of a minority group and discussing these is not bullying. What is bullying is telling Phinehas to leave the forum because he supposedly has childish arguments.
Are you pointing fingers at me now? Wtf.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #664 on: April 14, 2014, 12:15:06 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 12:56:57 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #665 on: April 14, 2014, 12:55:05 PM »

And stuff.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #666 on: April 14, 2014, 12:56:53 PM »
LOL, the virtues of Folkesocialisme and Volksgemeinschaft.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #667 on: April 14, 2014, 01:15:49 PM »
Yes, Tuto, I am pointing a finger at you, because instead of arguing at his level and trying to show him what is true instead of his conspiracy theorist view of the world, you descend to telling him to leave, which is essentially the same as what he is doing.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #668 on: April 14, 2014, 01:31:08 PM »
"instead of his conspiracy theorist view of the world"

Please quote any conspiracy theory from me.  It's not a conspiracy to think that Odumbo and is ilk are Socialists.  It's clearly evident in their policies and in at least the case of Obamao, his grandparents were commies, his Mom and Dads were commies, the people and professors he associated with were commies and his political backers are commies.  When the commies and Socialist parties all endorse Obama and other Democrats every single time...how much more evidence do you need?  They can all go around lying to the dumb Americans all they want, but they slip up all the time about their plans to redistribute wealth in this country and the only people they fool are the grossly ignorant and/or highly dependent people who can't think past a weekend.  Then there are the people that support them that are not fooled but actually want America to be a Socialist society, at least as a starting point.  People like Bernie Sanders and those that endorse him.  They are Socialists, at least until the chickens come home to roost.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #669 on: April 14, 2014, 01:43:38 PM »
It is clear that you are insecure in your beliefs as you called Obama using a derogatory term, Odumbo, and Obamao. You have only accused his relatives and the Congress of being communist, and not cited anything that could show me how he and his kinsmen are communists with extreme left political beliefs. When have they "slipped up" about wanting to take from the poor and give to the rich, since that is what you appear to believe socialism is.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #670 on: April 14, 2014, 02:50:35 PM »
It is clear that you are insecure in your beliefs as you called Obama using a derogatory term, Odumbo, and Obamao. You have only accused his relatives and the Congress of being communist, and not cited anything that could show me how he and his kinsmen are communists with extreme left political beliefs. When have they "slipped up" about wanting to take from the poor and give to the rich, since that is what you appear to believe socialism is.

Again, your double standards are falling on deaf ears.

You seriously don't know that redistribution of wealth is a part of Socialism?  Some of you guy's get your news and understanding of politics from comedians, how about you let Russell Brand explain that concept to you.


“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” -Karl Marx

Here is one policy of Obumbo that is the redistribution of wealth.  Isn't this enough or do you need more?
« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 03:08:28 PM by phinehas »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #671 on: April 14, 2014, 03:11:46 PM »
He did say take from the poor and give to the rich, not the other way around.

Dan Dixon

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Re: Politics
« Reply #672 on: April 14, 2014, 03:22:28 PM »
What Darvince said...

Here is one policy of Obumbo...

It's hard to take your arguments seriously when you keep resorting to name calling.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #673 on: April 14, 2014, 03:58:16 PM »
What Darvince said...

Here is one policy of Obumbo...

It's hard to take your arguments seriously when you keep resorting to name calling.

and it's hard to take you seriously when you only protest the name calling towards your ideological direction.

I direct you again towards what you conveniently ignore.  Religious bigotry on your business related forum.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 04:03:52 PM by phinehas »

Dan Dixon

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Re: Politics
« Reply #674 on: April 14, 2014, 05:28:35 PM »
and it's hard to take you seriously when you only protest the name calling towards your ideological direction.

It has nothing to do with my or Obama's ideology... calling people names automatically undermines any argument you're making... not to mention that "Obumbo" also seem racist, given that 1941 film Dumbo had many racist references.

And there's a difference, between attacking people and attacking ideas.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #675 on: April 14, 2014, 06:02:02 PM »
and it's hard to take you seriously when you only protest the name calling towards your ideological direction.

It has nothing to do with my or Obama's ideology... calling people names automatically undermines any argument you're making... not to mention that "Obumbo" also seem racist, given that 1941 film Dumbo had many racist references.

And there's a difference, between attacking people and attacking ideas.

LOL, the race card is so weak.  Besides I am calling him a bum, not an cartoon elephant...it was the freaking birds anyway that had "racist" overtones...who gives a crap anyway, it's just you trying to deflect and thinking that calling me a racist or a homophobe or any other Liberal go to catch phrase is going to make me dive for cover.

Again, you don't say anything when others attack Christian people, as I linked to on your business related forum.  You can't have it both ways Dan, at least not without looking totally and utterly intellectually bankrupt.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 06:06:10 PM by phinehas »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #676 on: April 15, 2014, 03:42:20 AM »
The High Tyto and Her Pureness immediately.
ew Kludd and Nyra

You found the Easter Egg. Well done.

Oh yeah, we are bullying phinehas when he has called people parasites, indoctrinated, ignorant, dumb, and crazy.... Xriqxa, are you freaking kidding me?
in defence of the massive oppression laid upon him.

A majority of people having opinions that oppose those of a minority group and discussing these is not bullying. What is bullying is telling Phinehas to leave the forum because he supposedly has childish arguments.
but you are using these majority ideas to oppress Phineas.

From Tuto:
Please go away this forum will be better if you(Phineas) are gone (Or words to the same effect. Bear with me, I can't go back pages because I am on an iPad
A good example of the Mighty Oppresion.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 07:36:31 AM by Xriqxa »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #677 on: April 15, 2014, 03:48:05 AM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 12:56:29 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #678 on: April 15, 2014, 06:01:45 AM »
Well... His real name is out in the open next to the video that I think he put a link for here. So, the whole world can see his name and apparently he doesn't care. So what is it going to change if it is posted a 4th time on the internet? Also, nobody even acknowledged my philosophy that you can find on the page before this one. Consequently, this arguement will go on with nothing changed. Politics indeed.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #679 on: April 15, 2014, 07:00:03 AM »
Xriqxa, you seem to be mistaken. The politics thread was going along just fine until literally the first post that phinehas made (here) where he blatantly personally attacks us and puts up a useless argument.

Note that, we had no idea phinehas was even on and we didn't mention him or people like him in above posts.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #680 on: April 15, 2014, 07:17:15 AM »
Well... His real name is out in the open next to the video that I think he put a link for here. So, the whole world can see his name and apparently he doesn't care. So what is it going to change if it is posted a 4th time on the internet? Also, nobody even acknowledged my philosophy that you can find on the page before this one. Consequently, this arguement will go on with nothing changed. Politics indeed.
I would have just preferred if you had just used my nickname.
Despite my interference in this, this is exactly the reason why I don't argue with people. This topic should be locked for a while.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #681 on: April 15, 2014, 07:42:30 AM »
Sorry, I changed it. 

Well, atomic, I guess I am. Still, everyone is against Phineas and if they peacefully asked him to change this wouldn't be happening. So I am half-right. While I am at it, why does your Avatar keep changing in a random cycle from a princess to another princess to a few MLP Ponies to a cyclone to an inunderstandable cartoon?

In conclusion, this thread should be restarted to maintain peace.

Hope this helps,


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Re: Politics
« Reply #682 on: April 15, 2014, 07:49:26 AM »
Oops, forgot to add a weird looking pink dog and an uaivailable(?) image, not to mention many others.

In a further conclusion, Phineas needs to                                              calling people "ass hats"

Just joking, he didn't say that. But he needs to either move up from Lvl one or seperate from the graph entirely.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #683 on: April 15, 2014, 09:04:50 AM »
Xriqxa, you seem to be mistaken. The politics thread was going along just fine until literally the first post that phinehas made (here) where he blatantly personally attacks us and puts up a useless argument.

Note that, we had no idea phinehas was even on and we didn't mention him or people like him in above posts.

Going along just fine until somebody disagreed.  I simply did it in the same manner has some did in the Religion thread.  If you don't want to be called an idiot, or words to that affect, then don't do it to others.  I won't be the last one to teach that lesson if it's not learned.  I explained why I posted in that manner earlier, in relation to Dan as well.  So, you can either see the errors of your ways or continue to muffle your cries on a unicorn's shoulder.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #684 on: April 15, 2014, 11:56:42 AM »
If you don't want to be called an idiot, or words to that affect, then don't do it to others.

Sorry, but everyone's not perfect? If you are so critical to other people, then what is the point of sharing opinions if they simply can't get an idea out without someone being a dickhead to them? Before you start a whole new argument on something else, focus on what I'M saying, then reconsider.

I won't be the last one to teach that lesson if it's not learned.

You have a point, but you don't need to call other people ignorant, dumb, or crazy to tell a point. It's not necessary, and if you can't seem to get that through your head then you need to re-evaluate how you express yourself.

Stop arguing phinehas, it's evident what the problem is. Just STOP namecalling others, it's THAT SIMPLE. Okay?


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Re: Politics
« Reply #685 on: April 15, 2014, 07:52:57 PM »
"You have a point, but you don't need to call other people ignorant, dumb, or crazy to tell a point."

Actually I did.  If I didn't you would not have experienced the contrast nor the emotion otherwise.  You would have no long term empathy for the people you are calling stupid and crazy if you had not experienced the shoe being on the other foot personally.

Edit:  I am using the term "You" generically to cover those who made the comments and not you specifically.

Edit:  Actually I didn't.  I didn't have to use those words and tone and I could have proved my point and hopefully changed attitudes on the communication by a different way.  You are right.  I am sorry and let me know if I slip on this matter.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 08:29:33 PM by phinehas »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #686 on: April 16, 2014, 06:36:44 AM »
Is the argument over yet?


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Re: Politics
« Reply #687 on: April 16, 2014, 09:58:30 AM »
As far as the argument over the form of communication, I think so.  As far as the argument over Capitalism versus another economic system, that will never be over since new people are born everyday and eventually  reach an age of an economic disappointment and questioning.  People born in a Capitalistic society will look at the current system, see the logic and historically tested paradigm and thrive within it, others won't and look for an alternative.  People born is a Non-Capitalistic society will do the same thing but will have less options and will wonder why the others are even complaining...unless of course they are born into the ruling class.  I'm sure  Kim Jong-un isn't wanting to change things.  Somebody should have dismantled that punk when he was in Switzerland.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #688 on: April 16, 2014, 10:46:04 AM »
Why does this concern capitalism? You are certainly being an "ass-hat" to others by making your first post an attack. Who do you think you are, Christopher Columbus?


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Re: Politics
« Reply #689 on: April 16, 2014, 10:50:06 AM »
I have no clue as to what you are talking about.  You asked a question, I gave an answer.
Are you seriously defending Kim Jong-un?  If so, that's a guy I will continue to personally attack without apology.