Well, I guess we never gonna see eye to eye on this, or make sense one to another.
Sorry, but isn't that very incoherent? Taliban kills gays, but because the gays can just move and it's a cultural thing, you don't put a finger on it. Nazis kill gays, but because it's not a cultural thing, you don't accept it. What kind of reasoning is that?
Nazism is after your end. Tabibalism is after their ancient pursuit of a "clean" and "sober" society. As weird as that may seem to us.
I don't think I see your point here.
Communism AND nazism AND fascism, AND all the little tyrants of the South America... all of these were financed and mechanically created by the City of London mainly thru Wall Street. Since Wall Street is Rockefeller owned as Standard Oil was, and subsequently it's child companies, It fair to assume that whomever financed those regims, is also pocketing from Texaco, Exxon, BP, Amoco, Chevron, and so on. People like their gas, but not their regims. That's the correlation.
We can make the world completely as we like, if enough people want a better world of course we can make a better world.
No we can't. And only tyrants got close enough of shaping their world to their see fit. Even like that, Alexander tried, they kill him for it. Cesar tried, they kill him for it, Ramesses2 tried, and geographical difficulties stopped him. Constantine tried, he did not got even close to it, later his "child" the church tried, and also failed.
Now some bankers are trying, they are succeeding so far, mainly because they use the sword as last resort, and as it goes.. you are free. Or that is what one is expected to believe. You are 19, and I feel sorry for you, just as I feel sorry for my young kids. I probably won't see it, but you youngsters will. And I sincerely hope I'm wrong about it, for you all sakes.
I mentioned the jews because I don't think it's ok to exterminate them. That doesn't mean I think all jewish cultures are perfect. I can be both against a nazi wanting to exterminate jews and against allowing people to circumcise people against their will.
You are right! I just mentioned because I saw it as a pertinent thing to mention, as a cultural thing. There is no such thing as this or that. There is this, that, that over there, this on the left, that on the right... and many many more ways. This or that is a dominance technique. You are right...
Yes, let's look at the practical reasons of culture. Then we can judge whether they are good or bad. Does the well-being of people benefit from a culture or is it harmed by the culture. If it benefits from it, the culture is useful, if not, let's get rid of the culture. It's really simple.
Then you can stop bashing talibans. As you don't know IF there is a good cultural reason. As I say, we must live the situation to know. We don't live there, so we can know for sure whats up with that. I know it's crude, but nevertheless, true.
But what if you were born in there and had no money, car, airplane service etc.? Or you maybe had some of it, but you also had good friends or liked your family? Or you were in the middle of an education?
Sorry mate, these are less than 2 centuries commodities. Do as your forefather did. WALK! If I lived under anything that I see fit as oppression.. I'll walk my way out of it. With 0 cent in my pockets. Imagine if Israel "wake" tomorrow and say: "All gaza strip inhabitant are free to go, as long as they go walking", they will. And as fast as one can. I went to live in the US, I was 18, no english knowledge at all, no money, well I got 50 bucks in my pockets, but I wanted to know that place... I went! Will is all it takes. If will moves mountains, why not your legs? I have the barrel of my gun in the back of your head. And I'll give you an ultimate: walk 300 miles, or I'll cut your penis out! Choose! I'm so sure someday you'll have kids.... you'll walk 1000 if it is what it takes.
Culture does't have to be old. Many music cultures are only a few decades old or less for example.
No one will cut ur johnson out because you like Metallica. I think we're talking about sociallly rooted cultures. Like the ones we are discussing. Anyway, I'm gonna cut this short here, from the root of the argument. I say ancient cultures deserve the proper attention because they carry logically more wisdom. As it was developed thru the eons, they had enough time to try. Most new trends in my view are merely the will of a few, were ancient ones are the will of many many generations. That baggage cannot be underestimated.
You simply state as a fact that you don't have the right to dispute a culture, how do you arrive at that conclusion? It is simply beyond me.
The above I wrote is one thing. Now how can I dispute quantum mechanics, if I see no reasoning in it (and I dont). But I bet you, if I study that to it's bones, I probably will. You cant recognize a cage if you only see the door of it. After you see all 4 angles you'll say, "ahhh ha! it is a cage!"
Cultural is different from say presidential executive order or trendy mechanical movements, because people won't tolerate injustice for long. If it last THAT long, must be a valid reason behind. Either that or the people under it are totally fucktard cowards. That's why culture is different from non-organic ideals.
I just don't see what banks hijacking movements has to do with this.
I see the world today as politics always were: ABSOLUTELY nothing happens by chance. If it does happen, it was planned that way. As the banks own politicians these days, as well as in the older days to a lesser extent, if is allowed to flourish, that was the way it was planned. You can recognize an agenda somewhat easily, as it ALWAYS comes back. Might come back with a different flavor, or name, or masked ideals, but does come back.
I don't really know what to reply to this. You see no reason, but say there must be one. How do you know that?
I don't. So I don't blindly bash it, as I don't know all the angles, causes, history behind that. I'm right over the line here. Not for or against. I too think is horrible and not just. But these are the thoughts of a lay man in the subject. I'll study this to the extent I can!!! Maybe in the future I can give you the reason you seek, or simply tell you I was wrong. Thank you for showing me my ignorance in this particular subject. I won't be ignorant to this for long tho.
But the reason why you shouldn't eat old bread is because dangerous bacteria or sponges may grow on it. Not because "culture says so" or "the law says so".
You do know that now after robert hooke inspired it's understandings. But before, was the will of God. I'd say 100% cultural and religious thing, and to reach those that weren't religious, they made it a law.
I can grasp ...
I don't think you cant. No one can, without studying these things deeply AND I dare say living on their skin. Let me make a religious analogy, and let's pretend all that happened.
Why is the Devil so bad? Alter all, all he apparently wanted is to give man knowledge of himself and his surroundings. How I gaining knowledge can be bad?! Well, apparently he used some valid excuse to avenge his failed relation with his father.
The lesson here is: not all good looking things are good. The oposite being as true as this too.Take the liberation of woman of the early 20th century as an example. It apear as a good thing, right? The right thing to do. But was not. I explain:
I see men and women as different beings. WE ARE DIFFERENT. Period! We think differently, we ACT differently, we have different hormone driven actions. I can carry rocks weighting about 170 pounds, they can't. They can feed a newborn their God given milk, I can't. WE A-R-E DIFFERENT!
Thus generally speaking we should exert different roles. But, Rockefeller's non-profit orgs (haha)
fiercely sponsored that feminist uprising. Of course, it look like the right thing to do. Honorable, just.
But was not. As I see it, woman have a very very important role in our race. They (generally speaking) should be at home! Making sure the offspring grows right and just. Don't judge me before you study this please! Cuz I have profoundly. And by "staying" at home I mean, they should be the ones molding the offspring. They woman ARE the glue of the just societies, they are IMAGINABLY more important than men. DO NOT underestimate the "stay at home" frase. It is MUCH more important than going out to make a living. Much more... They woman are the master ring holding a family in place. Men are just an accessory to the family. Woman are the master key of it! They OWN the family. They create the family.
So continuing, they promoved that, woman got out of the house, to work, and may I add to pay taxes, the kids are being educated by the TV, or some school. Don't you think people in the beginning of the last century were better at morals we are today? I do. I think todays people are trash when compared to before. And if you go to these conservative rural areas were the ancestors model is still at play, you'll find that people there are much better than the city people that were risen by something else than mom.
Soon (australia already does that to an extent) the state will OWN your kids. Soon your kids will choose the state over the family. I;m sorry, but I'm pro family. Family is our race's backbone. Remove it and give welcome to a Equilibrium like society, which is btw what Hitler wanted to accomplish, and he did, with his maniac youth.
Conclusion: The cause was valid, uber valid. Looked just. But in the end, what motivated that liberalism was not, was merely these factions trying to destroy the family's bound and morals (they did), and also trying to tax the other half of the population. They also did.
TAKE THOSE POSITIONS!!!!!!!!About the "movie" posts:
Zeitgeist is CRAP, Jacque Fresco's ideas are crap too. Now, what Bill said over there, that's real and solid! Of course this is my personal view...