so remember when i was almost out of manpower. well it turns out turkey was too, because their assaults keep on getting smaller and smaller. meanwhile, i've eliminated all of crimea's troops, and the occupation process is going strait ahead. i hit a few snags, like a stack of 24 rebels that just moved in from my next door neighbor muscovy. i start taking out more and more mercenaries in order to keep the rebels and the ottomans in their place. at the same time, i take out about 1000 ducats in order to build a fleet of 14 carracks to complement the rest of my fleet.
finally, one of the ottoman surprise attacks wipes out my stack sitting in constantinople, so i'm pushed back to moldova. I'm not making much headway into ukraine and i've got about 80% occupied, so i take a peace for 3 provinces, and divert everything into turkey. my fleet has now been moved into naples. wallachia revolts so now i'm in two wars. i trash turkey's navy.
i'll take about 12 to 20 regiments to occupy the western part of turkey, and you can see there are about 30,000 in eastern turkey. they should gradually replenish though, since there are actually 60 regiments.