hearts of iron 3 is a pretty cool game; i think i might like it more than eu3. it's confusing at first but easy to figure out.
first the technology tree....a bit more complicated than eu3's. as you can see i'm working on some nukesssss

supply lines or something

one of the coolest things is the army AI... you can tell it to defend, attack, blitzkreig, or a bunch of other positions
in fact there's an ai for basically everything in the country, although a human might be smarter

the trading system is definitetly better

time for communist wc

do you mean i can't get free stuff

an event

here's an example of the ai at work

as you can see, areas occupied by you immediately turn your color, and the owner has stripes on it, the opposite of eu3.

i love these events

perhaps the best part is the army organization. there are six levels from unit or whatever going up to theater, and the higher up a unit is the more lower units it controls. You can set the ai on multiple levels or just one unit or in control of everything. In addition, if you want to advance your front, you don't need to move each army because the heirarchy allows armies to be easily grouped and selected.

well then. if you notice, the game map is quite large (15000+ provinces) which probably necessitated the ai.