I always wanted to create a protoplanetary disk in Universe Sandbox (Dan, don't forget it, please), however given the limitations of the program in this point I had to improvise.
Did I create a planet with close orbit of its star, for this I did use the data of the exoplanet TrES-3 (
http://exoplanet.eu/star.php?st=TrES-3) and I put turn it rings of 2-3 radius and 3-5 radius, I gave 8 clicks in each option button to generate an expressive amount of particles. Then I put the simulation to run and, as it had imagined, the rings were quickly disrupted by the gravitational force of the star and their particles were dispersed around the star forming something similar to a protoplanetary disk.
After about 5 years the disk homogenized but before this it was already possible if observe some interesting aspects of the models of planetary accretion, as the gap that the planet creates when attracting material along its orbit. Another interesting aspect was the dynamics for the which the planet attracts material, causing the matter spiral of the two borders (interns and extern) of the disks to it.
Something that I found onlooker was that many of the particles didn't collide with the planet but it were transferred of the internal disk for the external disk after its encounter with the planet. In other words (that is interesting because analyses of the probe Deep Impact indicated that the material of the comet Tempel 1 was formed close to the Sun what is strange for a comet that expected would have formed of material of areas of the cloud of Oort, maybe in the period of formation of our solar system this matter transfer has been expressive allowing that material that was close to the sun came to be ejected in orbits well more external), the planet became a bridge for the which matter was transferred among the two disks.
After 15 years of simulation that we see that the planet TrES-3 cleaned its orbit increasing the space among the internal border and external of the disks that surround it, a lot besides Hill's Radii (before the flaw maid's space had the almost exactly the diameter of its Hill Radii). The planet Eos, due to its low mass, just caused a very subtle gap, however the planet Hades created a great gap and very quickly, even the distance that it found (what also coincides with the models of planetary formation: gaseous giants planets are formed much more quickly than planets like the Earth).
However the most interesting on Hades was the creation of two groups of asteroids positioned in the Lagrangians Points L4 and L5, corresponding to the Trojans asteroids of Jupiter ! Besides the Planet created an interesting distortion in the internal disk creating two loops of particles opposite in the disk, possible corresponding to particles in resonance with the planet.
The planet TrES-3 created in the internal disk a similar configuration to the asteroids of the family Hilda !
I dream that in the future Dan Dixon will give a present for us with a easy way of creating planetary disks , with some option of choosing ( freely ) the amount of particles, its mass, and individual identification (names) and orbital caracteristics so that we can accompany their behaviors and migration.
The gap open by TrES-3:

(Look the complete animation here:
http://flickcabin.com/public/view/full/22602 )
Close look in TrES-3, see how it the matter is a spiralize it:

(Look the complete animation here:
The gap is approximately the same diameter than its Hill's Radii ( see the blue circle in the end of animation ):

(Look the complete animation here:
The great gap, the trojans asteroids and the oposite loops in disc causing by of Hades gravitational influence:

The subtle gap of Eos and the Hilda's family disposition of the particles of innermost TrES-3 disk:

[ ]´s
(Dan's edit fixed the link)