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Author Topic: Wish List  (Read 5636 times)


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Wish List
« on: March 23, 2011, 03:17:52 AM »

I just bought US after playing with the trial awhile back.

Couple things I'd love to see added.

1. Ability to watch the creation of a system from a nebula, would love to
see this, probably big ask.

2. When placing galaxies for collision, I find it very difficult to place
the second galaxy directly above the first (for a splash effect), it's
almost always offset from it (using Cntl to control vertical (z) placement).
If there was some way to a) raise it vertically, then b) view it top down
and place it exactly where I wish in xy relative to the first galaxy. It'd
make it so much easier.

Also, how do you tilt a galaxy, so far I have see no way to alter the
inclination of a galaxy.

3. Super wish ability to fly through the system.

4. When trying to say have a body leave one body, and
enter orbit in another (say earth to moon), some way to
enter the Delta V needed, and possibly some way to determine
the intercept angle (possibly a guide line indicating if I enter a
escape velocity, I get a guide on when to hit enter to eject the body.
Currently, it's a bit of a guess.

5. Have a black hole look like a black hole :)

6. Download/upload area on the forum so users can easily
find files others have uploaded in one single place.

Love the sim, wanted one of these for ages. What surprises me
in galaxy collisions, is how often they look like real colliding galaxies.
Nice :D Well worth the paltry sum :)



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Re: Wish List
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2011, 07:29:35 AM »
You should see: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AoYA02Dt7PgRdDRyU08yTlNOZ1QzUUlDZU9MNmEyZ1E&hl=en

1. On the list above

2. You can do this. Select one of the galaxies and change X, Y, and Z position (i think???)

3. Place an object, zoom in to it, give it less velocity, or a more eccentric orbit.

4. I kind of had that idea on the list above.

5. You can change the texture yourself. Change it in the Media folder and then go to Appearence.xml/ubox

Experiment with stuff, and there are odd ways that you can do some things.


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Re: Wish List
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2011, 02:37:06 PM »

Also, how do you tilt a galaxy, so far I have see no way to alter the
inclination of a galaxy.

There's a tool used to tilt objects. I think it's in one of the icons for tools.

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Re: Wish List
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2011, 01:07:09 AM »
Thanks to NeutronStar for his reply.

1. Ability to watch the creation of a system from a nebula, would love to
see this, probably big ask.

This is complex request, but one I hope to eventually address (although not any time soon).

2. When placing galaxies for collision, I find it very difficult to place the second galaxy directly above the first (for a splash effect), it's almost always offset from it (using Cntl to control vertical (z) placement). If there was some way to a) raise it vertically, then b) view it top down and place it exactly where I wish in xy relative to the first galaxy. It'd make it so much easier.

There's much more to be done on the placement controls. As pointed out by Neutronstar you can adjust the position by changing the X,Y,Z values (although there may be a bug where only the center objects moves when you used this feature).

Also, how do you tilt a galaxy, so far I have see no way to alter the
inclination of a galaxy.

Use the hand/rotate tool. This lets you rotate planets, rings, or entire galaxies.

3. Super wish ability to fly through the system.

Good idea... I added this to the list (#46).

4. When trying to say have a body leave one body, and
enter orbit in another (say earth to moon), some way to
enter the Delta V needed, and possibly some way to determine
the intercept angle (possibly a guide line indicating if I enter a
escape velocity, I get a guide on when to hit enter to eject the body.
Currently, it's a bit of a guess.

Can you expand on what you mean by this? How are you doing this currently?

5. Have a black hole look like a black hole :)

I've got something in mind for this, I've spent sometime on this but never got it working satisfactorily. In the meantime you can always use the color controls to make it black. :)

6. Download/upload area on the forum so users can easily find files others have uploaded in one single place.

I also have long term plans for this... Good idea.

Love the sim, wanted one of these for ages. What surprises me
in galaxy collisions, is how often they look like real colliding galaxies.
Nice :D Well worth the paltry sum :)

You're welcome. Thanks for the kind words.


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Re: Wish List
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2011, 12:42:58 PM »

Sorry for the lont time it took to reply.

As for you question on Delta V where I asked if there could be a better way
to lauch a body form one body to enter orbit around another body.

Delta V is a velocity used currently by space agencies. It's the
velocity needed to be achieved during an ejection burn. ie, I want
to go to the moon, I need a Delta V of about 3100 m/s (if I remember rightly).
The trick with it, is doing it at the correct time, so you create a nice transfer
orbit between say the earth an the moon. In US, currently it's not possible
to do this, because there's no way to determine the right time (ejection window) so that
the body will arrive at the moon, when the moon is there.

The only way to do it is to guess, ie

1. Wait for the moon to be in good position

2. Throw object at a guessed direction, pause and set the
velocity it should leave at.

3. Wait n hope. lol

Be nice if it'd could be bit more accurate in how it's done.

Why do it? Hell, cause you can. lol & Why not. :)


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Re: Wish List
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2011, 02:23:22 PM »
3D light pulse, ie expanding ball of light, that is affected by gravity.

Also, I don't know what system you guys are using, but have you tried procedural generation techniques? It would be awesome to generate random star systems, galaxies (with full solar systems) super galaxy structures even a whole universe, that kind of stuff. Although simulating all that stuff is probably impossible at the current scale I guess.

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Re: Wish List
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2011, 03:59:58 PM »

Sorry for the lont time it took to reply.

As for you question on Delta V where I asked if there could be a better way
to lauch a body form one body to enter orbit around another body.

Delta V is a velocity used currently by space agencies. It's the
velocity needed to be achieved during an ejection burn. ie, I want
to go to the moon, I need a Delta V of about 3100 m/s (if I remember rightly).
The trick with it, is doing it at the correct time, so you create a nice transfer
orbit between say the earth an the moon. In US, currently it's not possible
to do this, because there's no way to determine the right time (ejection window) so that
the body will arrive at the moon, when the moon is there.

The only way to do it is to guess, ie

1. Wait for the moon to be in good position

2. Throw object at a guessed direction, pause and set the
velocity it should leave at.

3. Wait n hope. lol

Be nice if it'd could be bit more accurate in how it's done.

Why do it? Hell, cause you can. lol & Why not. :)

Funny you mention this as I been wanting the same thing.

I been trying to figure out the best way to launch an object from one planet to another to either achieve orbit of another object or slingshot the object through the system.


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Re: Wish List
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2011, 11:54:13 AM »
Yes, unfortunately, I can't see anyway to have it achieve orbit since it requires
a velocity change (retro burn) so the orbit changes from a Hohmann (transfer)
orbit to a normal orbit around the body. Only way to do it now, is to manually
reduce the velocity.

As for departure, well you may not know the Delta V, but experimenting
will give u the answer, but some way to create a launch window would
be wicked. ie say a suggested guide line showing at current set velocity
if the object would intersect with the target moon/planet/object. Then
you could use that to work out when to launch.

Zamak, what you want has already been done in Space Engine, here's
the link. Wicked program :)



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Re: Wish List
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2011, 07:23:53 PM »
6. Download/upload area on the forum so users can easily find files others have uploaded in one single place.

I also have long term plans for this... Good idea.

Isn't this just a function of the type of forum software you're using, or the version of it?  Most forum software has such a feature, although you might have to pay extra for it.