Hey Tony...
There were a few problems with your system (some of which are problems I plan to address in a future update).
The default units are:
Mass = kg^20
Velocity = km/s
Position = km
- Since your units are different you need to specify the units for all of your values.
- You also need to remove the extra spaces in front of values (because of a bug, I'll fix this in the next update).
- You don't need the Object tags. These are for looking up the properties of bodies in the data files: LocalObjects.xml & DeepSkyObjects.xml (like for the Earth, Moon, Jupiter, Ceres, or the Sun)
Diameters should be automatically calculated to something other than 0, but that seems to be broken (also something I'll fix).
And all the extra stuff at the top of the XML files is something that Excel adds in. It's optional and ignored by Universe Sandbox.
This works (other than the diameter issue):
<PositionX>.345322894982861 m</PositionX>
<PositionY>.530559374647256 m</PositionY>
<VelocityX>1.32801304314968E-02 m</VelocityX>
<VelocityY>2.04075429997798E-02 m</VelocityY>
<Mass>307166.919879134 earth</Mass>
<Diameter>1392000000 m</Diameter>
<Name>Planet c</Name>
<PositionX>26200358064.5108 m</PositionX>
<PositionY>24552261459.9653 m</PositionY>
<VelocityX>-36771.2753392409 m</VelocityX>
<VelocityY>45392.1315247589 m</VelocityY>
<Mass>53.147750100442 earth</Mass>
<Name>Planet e</Name>
<PositionX> 3763527661.31916 m</PositionX>
<PositionY>4289876734.58789 m</PositionY>
<VelocityX>-116777.971872964 m</VelocityX>
<VelocityY>87955.5950384404 m</VelocityY>
<Mass>10.6924467657694 earth</Mass>
<Name>Planet b</Name>
<PositionX>8650944280.15159 m</PositionX>
<PositionY>15360028170.23 m</PositionY>
<VelocityX>-71229.8379366437 m</VelocityX>
<VelocityY>41340.0615753976 m</VelocityY>
<Mass>259.134592205705 earth</Mass>
<Name>Planet f</Name>
<PositionX>-121193898302.123 m</PositionX>
<PositionY>59305124961.5274 m</PositionY>
<VelocityX>-14831.4664558138 m</VelocityX>
<VelocityY>-23264.6469128906 m</VelocityY>
<Mass>45.2856568903174 earth</Mass>
<Name>Planet d</Name>
<PositionX>-294528070538.547 m</PositionX>
<PositionY>827340605359.907 m</PositionY>
<VelocityX>-11254.1442574392 m</VelocityX>
<VelocityY>-3605.17090031499 m</VelocityY>
<Mass>1206.04509843311 earth</Mass>
You can press
Ctrl+R to reload a system, very helpful when trying to get something to work.
G to turn on the Grid so you can see the size comparison with our Solar System.
And for everyone else, here's more info about this system:
http://www.orbitsimulator.com/gravity/articles/cancri.htmlLet me know if you have any other problems.