I really enjoyed this game, but often don't play it as much as I would like, at first glance it's interface seems a little intimidating and as an amateur space enthusiast I wish the interface would be a little more stream lined. I'm an avid gamer and when I look at this game I see a lot of untapped potential, such as;
1. The creation of an interface to link up your telescope to a computer/laptop to MAYBE (
) use it to guide your scope to an object in the sky.
2. Better explosions such as actual chunks of the planets coming off, when you smash something into Earth the object explodes but the initial planet or whatever does not have any noticable effects, like the simulations on TV ect that show how the moon was made taking an actual chunk out of the Earth, now that's cool
3. Only one simulation was added that showed galaxies colliding, the ability should be give to take any two galaxies and collide them.
4. I am guessing that when people play this, they are playing only for a short while for something to do, fun/educating features and modes should be added for that purpose, as should more features that teach amateurs about space and what not.