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Author Topic: Camera recording Bug, Question, and anoying thing.  (Read 6565 times)


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Camera recording Bug, Question, and anoying thing.
« on: January 20, 2009, 07:19:48 AM »
When I record on a certain time step (depending on object distances), the orbits get all geometric, not circle, and the rings fly off. I was trying to record something cool, and it just got destroyed...  :( >:( :(

Annoying thing:
Also, I can't get back to the "menu" thing  ( right-click) or rotate the screen, except for when objects moving. It is VERY hard to stop recording.

What does the number mean? (Default is 5) Does it mean how many pictures in a second? Or what?

Dan Dixon

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Re: Camera recording Bug, Question, and anoying thing.
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2009, 03:16:17 PM »
When I record on a certain time step (depending on object distances), the orbits get all geometric, not circle, and the rings fly off. I was trying to record something cool, and it just got destroyed...  :( >:( :(

Are you using "auto time step"?  This will sometimes cause orbits to become more circular. If stuff is flying off you're using a time step that's too high. Try something lower. Let me know if I didn't answer your question satisfactorily.

Annoying thing:
Also, I can't get back to the "menu" thing  ( right-click) or rotate the screen, except for when objects moving. It is VERY hard to stop recording.

This is true and it's because the input thread is part of the same thread as the math and rendering. Something to fix in the future.

You can stop the recording by pressing and holding the F4 key until you see the stop message.

What does the number mean? (Default is 5) Does it mean how many pictures in a second? Or what?

The number is how many frames it skips between screenshots. Set this to 1 to capture every frame. Set this to 100 to capture once every one hundred frames.


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Re: Camera recording Bug, Question, and anoying thing.
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2009, 04:23:12 PM »
thanks! :D ;) :) :D