I'm posting some background infos not included in the story (just to explain a bit the story)
Little into:
Those aliens were a pacefull race, so the industrial and medical technology was very very advanced compared to the humanity ones, but not the armaments (they were just 1 hundred years over the humanity technology, maybe a little more)
1) Why the aliens built a whole planet and sent it into space?
Simple: their star was dying, so they decided to built an ark-planet to save the whole population
They understood the star fate thousends of years before the X-moment, so they had got time to build the
2) Where do they came from?
Database... serious damage
Analysis in progress...
Documents damaged or destroyed:
Stellar cartography... totally damaged
The travel data was lost
They could have been travelled for some years or for Billions of years... We don't know

3) why all those aliens was hibernated?
Travelling in space need energy, so hybernating people will reduce the energy need (recycle atmosphere
and worm it, food, ...). Hybernating all people, all the systems can be switched off excluding the gravity
acceleration sensor (if the value get over a predetermined one it means that the planet is probably getting
closer to a star system or a heavy object (then the A.I. is activated and makes some predetermined
4) Why all the aliens MUST destroy the humanity ALL THE TIMES?!?!?!?!?!?
Honestly, i don't know why all the times, but here...
They need a new
pacefull home, and humanity is famous for his bellic nature... the consequense is clear...
If you want more explanations just ask and i will try to answer

But Why isn't there 8 planets? Oh... Mercury is no significant mass right?

and to create some confusing while reading the story... If not there wouldn't be any end surprise

P.s. New more detailed Gamma phase incoming to make all men's hearts full of FEAR....