"You can use these nodes:
dropchest - To get the right to use DropChest
dropchest.create - To call /dropchest add
dropchest.remove - To call /dropchest remove chestid
dropchest.radius.set - To set the radius of a Chest to something else than 2
dropchest.radius.setBig - To have unlimited radius
dropchest.which - To have access to the /dropchest which command
dropchest.teleport - To be able to teleport via /dropchest tp chestid
dropchest.filter - To set or reset filters
dropchest.filter.set - To set filters in interactive mode
dropchest.filter.reset - To reset filters in interactive mode (click with nothing in hand)
dropchest.list - To have access to /dc list and /dc info
dropchest.destroy - To be able to break a dropchest without removing it before.
dropchest.protect - To be able to protect a chest
dropchest.moderator - To be able to modify a dropchests properties even if you're not the owner. Also, ops and the console can do that.
You can use these variables:
dropchestmaxradius - To adjust the maximum radius for a group or a user"
anyway, i hope that'll help with permissions. it'd be cool to be able to /dropchest

except the dropchest radius; don't want someone collecting every item within a 1 kilo radius....
so i suggest you drop these into the node file? or text file? idk

i've never run a server.