Breaking news!
Desertopia- Mudkipz has fallen into lava while sneaking on the safe platform. he claims, "i lost 8 buckets of lava, 10 stacks of sandstone, 1 stone pick, 5 stacks of cobble! and 2 minecarts." He was on the platform one second, and in the lava the next.
Because the ring was designed to keep people from getting in the lava, mudkip did not manage to get out in time. To make matters worse, his bed missing! and he was sent back to spawntown. mudkip says, "I amsh nawt amuse! Bla says, "i see mudkipz post, but im going to work on my map war 2 turn instead becaush i amsh mean" oh and yes, mudkip did kept his inventory closed ( because opening it cancels shift) Deoxy says, "I wish mudkipz stopped being so dependent on bla" and Bla ponders, "why does mudkipz always glitch, or die, or have missing beds etc?" mudkip replies "tnt!" and watches as everyone flees