Not at all. The point of the provinces it to separate where you can and can't build.
But I don't draw provinces.

Municipalities are meant to look nice on the map. Borders should be as natural as possible, so they're easy to guess when you walk around on the map. Not go on open, flat grasslands where you have no idea of where the border is, and the municipalities shouldn't be out of proportion in one dimension compared to the other one.
You don't have to use these municipalities, I can change them if you want, but I can't make such a long municipality which is so hard to guess where the border is in.
Why is Quontex's land slowly getting eaten?
Quontex isn't going to play on Blacraft anymore. The developed part of Quontia will be preserved, and Bridgetown will be preserved (if he wants it, I haven't asked him yet, so assume he says yes).
Awesomeland and Quonbla will be developed, so far I've taken control of them. We've begun the construction of a rollercoaster in Awesomeland, which you can see on the latest world map (the planks).
bla is the restart done yet 
It should be now. I added LOTZuBUTT to the whitelist (bong on the forum).