the konisshi times today in konisshi, the mob factory storage started overflowing. the autosorted storage has a total storage capacity of 650k items, a third of which is devoted to gunpower storage. luckily, the shortage of storage is only for useless items like arrows, meat, and string, and there is plenty of space for gunpower still available. a planned expansion could increase the storage capacity to 1440k items.

konisshi resident karl marx was on a trip today up the infamous pumpkin-pillar-to-the-mob-factory-that-is-really-too-tall-and-needs-to-be-replaced-with-a-boat-or-cart-elevator ladder when he realized that the one of the support columns in front of him had a strange purple edge (you're gonna need to zoom into that attached picture to see this). scientists have conjectured that this purple outline is infact, a beacon beam which has been mostly occluded by the support column, and whose edge only just appears to the lucky viewer. in order to gather more evidence, funding has been allocated for the large beacon collider.