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Author Topic: Blacraft  (Read 2818025 times)


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7770 on: June 05, 2014, 11:02:49 PM »
so how does it feel.


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7771 on: June 05, 2014, 11:35:39 PM »
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 11:38:24 PM by Xriqxa »


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7772 on: June 06, 2014, 04:05:04 PM »
Remember: This Saturday it is time to update your collective storage statistics!


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7773 on: June 07, 2014, 03:54:18 AM »
the ussr used a 290 million sheet spreadsheet in order to manage their economy back in the day btw.


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7774 on: June 07, 2014, 09:09:33 AM »

that took forever and i went through 3 sets of unbreaking diamond armor

horse armor is nice though.


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7775 on: June 07, 2014, 11:46:25 AM »
3 whole sets what? How many wither skeletons did you kill?
But nicce


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7776 on: June 08, 2014, 05:30:21 AM »
Ok, an issue was brought up last night. I was in a nether fortress trying to get wither skeleton skulls, but once, the server lagged, and as a result a wither skeleton that was 10-20 m away 'teleported' to me and hit me a few times in an instant so I fell into lava. Therefore I teleported back to a horse tunnel (with Bong's help) and went back to the nether fortress afterwards.

TMC didn't like this and called it really unlegit. Over the past weeks I've grown rather tired of your very rude complaints (first about Quontex, now about my 'admin power abuse') in unfriendly language, so here I intend to give some thorough responses to your complaints.

Quote from: TMC
wait why could you not do that for me
I could do the same for you. In fact, when other players have died due to glitches or lag, I have helped them many times. Naru, Mudkipz (before he became admin), Yqt, Quontex, Bong and probably others too.
The reason I did not do the same for you however, was because you never told me about what happened, and even afterswards, you say you don't want refund.

Quote from: TMC
what I want to know is why can bla abuse his op powers
Quote from: TMC
I really want to know why you feel like "oh because I am op I can do whatever the fuck I want"
Ok, that's fair above, you're free not to get compensation.
But the rules on this server have for years been that people can get refunds if they die due to glitches or lag. Stop complaining about me abusing admin powers because you choose to play by some other rules than the rest of us please. I thought I wouldn't have to repeat all this after the last argument over what Quontex did.

I'm not abusing admin powers, I did not spawn wither skeleton skulls, I took off all my diamond armor and other rare items, expecting death was very probable in the nether, then went into the fortress, did not get one wither skeleton skull and not much other of value, but I was about to die due to lag here, not from regular fighting. It wasn't a big deal to me, but I saw no reason not to avoid the death, like anyone else dying due to lag can get compensation.

Quote from: TMC
but if I complained everytime I lose everything due to lag or glitch I would spam you
it is literally that bad
Now, I can't know how often everyone dies due to lag and glitches, but I only occasionally get requests from various different people, maybe once a month or rarer. I myself die extremely rarely and usually know when I expect to die. Yqt and I have worn the same diamond armor and stuff for months or even years. Quontex who I suppose has a worse connection to the server than you, only died once due to lag over the past month where he has been spending days on the server. If you die ~10 to 15 times a week due to lag, fair enough, if it's truly the case, you can get compensation. But when you seem to be the only one, it truly does smell to me of lag not being the main factor to blame here. Anyway, complaints can be posted here:

Ok, with these issues out of the way, let's go on to discuss if people actually should have compensation when such things happen.
Quote from: Bla
Anyway TMC, what was your reason for why lag death compensation is unlegit?
All you said was "I don't get compensation... because I don't complain"
Quote from: TMC
I think any compensation is dumb
part of minecraft is dying and starting all over
when you die unlegitly yeah I sucks
and I'm sorry
but you shouldn't get anything
Well ok, if you think so, fair enough. But I disagree completely. If you die due to vanilla game mechanisms that are intended, such as regular mob fighting, you going into the sea to mine clay but forget to go up for air and drown, if you jump into a lava lake or set a forest around you in fire and you burn, or if you step into tnt you used for mining, or if you strip mine and run too close to the wall and gravel falls upon you so you suffocate. Ok, no compensation, this was all a part of the game. But lag and glitches are 100% unpredictable, they're not fun, they're not intended to happen, they ruin the fun. That's why I give compensation for that. Maybe you like to start over, but some of us have spent hours enchanting diamond armor, swords, tools, and I've written down notes since January in a book and quill I've kept in my inv every day. If I run into lava and I lose this, ok, but if lag or glitches result in it, that's ruining hours of work due to factors that were never meant to be a part of the game. That doesn't make for a fun game, so I definitely think compensation in these cases should be given.

You're welcome to not agree and to lose your stuff 15 times a week if you like. I'd prefer if you'd avoid calling me a power abuser because of it though.

Quote from: TMC
from what I see you try to say "oh blacraft is legit , when I see plugins, people getting teleported
I guess I am a fan of hardcore mindset, start over when you die no cheats
and that is the only legit game
don't say that this is a legit server
If I've called Blacraft legit, I haven't for one second intended to say it's vanilla. "Legit" means "legitimate" which means "according to the rules". Blacraft has many defined rules and compensation in case of glitches or lag are just some of them. Another of them is the day being 50 minutes rather than 10, and the other plugins. Blacraft doesn't intend to be a copy of vanilla (obviously), it's the intention that the gameplay is very similar to the survival settings, but with a few exceptions made to make the game more enjoyable.

You're welcome to call Blacraft unlegit if you like. In the past I've used the word 'legit' in some ways I regret when discussing server rules, and later I've used 'totally unlegit' more as a joke. I don't care if people want to call the server legit or not. I'd rather have the server run according to rules that are more enjoyable than 100% vanilla.

Anyway, you called me a power abuser, and something being 'unlegit' doesn't entitle you to that. I've been following the current server rules and whether they should be changed, that's a fair discussion, but as long as they're there... I'm not abusing my powers at all.


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7777 on: June 08, 2014, 05:11:49 PM »
Just so you know, I did have actual intents on joining this server. Darvince had given me false infomation regarding how the server was run. I DID NOT, i repeat DID NOT, want to try to get banned. I was under the impression that because Darvince posted so much here, that type of talk was actually started here, rather than just as much as a nuisance as it was on the Interguild.


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7778 on: June 08, 2014, 05:16:06 PM »
Just so you know, I did have actual intents on joining this server. Darvince had given me false infomation regarding how the server was run. I DID NOT, i repeat DID NOT, want to try to get banned. I was under the impression that because Darvince posted so much here, that type of talk was actually started here, rather than just as much as a nuisance as it was on the Interguild.
What is your username? 520blazekin?


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7779 on: June 08, 2014, 05:16:50 PM »
dartalk actually originates SORT OF from here, but mostly from the first several pages of that thread and in the chatbox


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7780 on: June 08, 2014, 05:20:51 PM »
Added soccerboy13542 to whitelist. Welcome :)


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7781 on: June 09, 2014, 03:22:47 PM »
These are now ready for Dynmap as well


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7782 on: June 09, 2014, 04:29:17 PM »
If anyone has any spare chiseled stone brick I need it for a build, and wish to buy. Let me know!


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7783 on: June 10, 2014, 02:26:48 AM »
If anyone has any spare chiseled stone brick I need it for a build, and wish to buy. Let me know!
Which state are you a member of? UBSR? SKA?


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7784 on: June 10, 2014, 02:32:43 AM »
jorster I have a little tiny bit in dingusland (you get to it by following the nether mesa road and going out onto the plains, it has a big marker above it)


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7785 on: June 10, 2014, 07:39:31 AM »
Zombies trying to get into Yqts house, lol.

There were actually like five of them, but I got an out of memory error when I tried to take a screenshot and when I logged back in, the zombies that were there went for me instead.


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7786 on: June 10, 2014, 10:54:09 AM »
Plans for horse road improvements in the west below.

Also new rule added:
Do not harass or speak down to other players due to their race, sexuality, gender/sex, having aspergers or other biological traits.

I thought it would be obvious, but apparently it isn't.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 01:55:28 PM by Bla »


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7787 on: June 10, 2014, 03:18:57 PM »


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7788 on: June 10, 2014, 03:26:54 PM »
Oh you got the Desertopia wither, nice.


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7789 on: June 10, 2014, 09:32:03 PM »
Plans for horse road improvements in the west below.

Also new rule added:
Do not harass or speak down to other players due to their race, sexuality, gender/sex, having aspergers or other biological traits.

I thought it would be obvious, but apparently it isn't.

Who the hell was talking down at someone because aspergers?


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7790 on: June 10, 2014, 09:36:33 PM »


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7791 on: June 10, 2014, 11:20:41 PM »
Who the hell was talking down at someone because aspergers?
Darvince spoke out against it later, though. The one who harassed someone else for having aspergers has been banned for 7 days and if it ever happens again, will be permanently banned.


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7792 on: June 11, 2014, 06:50:02 AM »
Who the hell was talking down at someone because aspergers?
Darvince spoke out against it later, though. The one who harassed someone else for having aspergers has been banned for 7 days and if it ever happens again, will be permanently banned.

Darvince told me the details of what happened on IRC.


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7793 on: June 11, 2014, 11:59:11 AM »
It was Thomas who did it. And following a conversation with him today, I've decided to extend the ban to be permanent.

When one first harasses someone for having asperger, then refuses to apologize or recognize the error, and then goes on to say gay people irl are a dealbreaker you don't want as friends... it's definitely time to apply the hammer.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 12:21:57 PM by Bla »


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7794 on: June 11, 2014, 12:22:57 PM »
but supposedly he's a "nice person irl"

idk i guess people online aren't real people


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7795 on: June 11, 2014, 12:23:18 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:23:04 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7796 on: June 11, 2014, 04:31:41 PM »


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7797 on: June 11, 2014, 06:03:16 PM »
does this even matter we have no enderdragon


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7798 on: June 11, 2014, 06:11:16 PM »
An enderman xp farm seems a heck of a lot more efficient, and easier to make.


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Re: Blacraft
« Reply #7799 on: June 11, 2014, 07:16:54 PM »
enderdragon farm is more efficient if you can get it going but it means there's no exit portal and you have to leave by suiciding, plus it's using unloaded chunks