that treaty with teh UBSR communism thingy and the collective storages pooling resources for build projects:
Each person gives certain percentage of total resources needed for project:
-it's pretty fair and even, but
-inactive members would fall behind
Each person gives certain percentage of total resources they have:
-much fairer, acts like "taxes"
-discourages saving up resources, everyone will want to immediately spend whatever resources they have
Each person gives what they can:
-might end up with not enough resources to build a project
-resources each person pools should be kept public to discourage misers and encourage sharing
Also anonymous voting is best idea, no? and voting center is huge, this is how it'd work
-Each person must have seperate voting slot
If there are Persons A, B, C then
Persons A voting slot
drop item down hole, water flow carries it over dropchests that only have permissions for B and C.
If item is B or C's it falls into dropchest. If item is A's, the item flows into pressure pad
Pressure pad will set off a resettable device-Y and vote is put into memory (i'm still working out this part).
Bla shall count the votes, and then set off another device-X. This device will auto trigger all votes from all slots so vote remains anonymous.
Bla resets votes.
If item, vote is positive
When Bla sets off device-X, he counts the the negatory votes.
Bla must have empty inventory when doing this and make sure he's alone
Bla should empty inventory after counting positive votes before setting of device-X to count negative ones
This poses a problem when Bla votes, because admin might give him perms to all dropchest, however since he'll be the one counting the votes, he can just keep it to himself.
In scenario above, if dropchests for B and/or C are flooded full, the vote will be redone.