My two cents:
I can't understand that continuous begging, some posts are even turning rude!
I downloaded a trial version. Played an hour with it, and liked it. I paid what I considered a fair amount ($25) to download the full version. And I got it. I got what I paid for. WYSIWYG (What Your See Is What You Get)
I hope every transaction I've made would have been so transparent like this one.
I consider new releases and features a goodie I didn't weight into my purchasing decision when I made it. I appreciate them, but I wouldn't feel betrayed should they not exist. Of course, if the system malfunctions, I would expect a patch to solve it, but not with respect to new functionality.
I do find enriching for everyone a discussion on how to improve the software from current's terrific starting point (for example, how to more easily create complex systems, or the "habitable zone", or de "changing point-of-view", or the recording and logging, ...). Some other would prefer the UI to be simplified to lower the "barriers to entry" for non hard-core astro-enthusiasts by shortening the learning curve.
Of course, you always have the trade-off in consolidating what you've got and adding new stuff.
It's Dan to decide. I enjoy providing my humble point of view on which functionalities I feel more desiderable, but I can't put pressure on Dan to work on something I didn't pay for.
Regards and Dan, thanks, and keep it up
Osezno_ (from Spain)