* Every object or group needs to be inside a body tag.
* Looks up this value in the LocalObjects.xml & DeepSkyObjects.xml files in the Data folder and uses the properties found there: name, mass, diameter, etc.
* Use other tags (like <Name> or <Mass>) to override the default values of the object.
* Also accepts the command: moonsof. This includes all moons of the body that are included in the Object.xml file | moonsof=Pluto
* Example: (Creates Earth, renames it to Gaia, and shrinks its diameter to that of our moon)
o <Object>Earth</Object>
<Diameter>1 moon</Diameter>
* Looks up this value in the Appearance.xml file to determine the color, texture, and model of the body.
* The name of the body.
<PositionX> <PositionY> <PositionZ>
* The XYZ position of the body in space. If these values are missing in the file it will look up the value the Horizon file specified by 'date' under <Settings>
* The Z axis is up and down.
* Default units are kilometers.
* Other accepted units:
o m = meters | 1000 m
o moon = diameter of the moon | 4.3 moon
o earth = diameter of earth | 2 earth
o jupiter = diameter of jupiter | 1.4 jupiter
o sun = diameter of the sun | 2.8 sun
o AU = Astronomical Unit | .7 AU
<VelocityX> <VelocityY> <VelocityZ>
* The XYZ velocity of the body in space. If these values are missing in the file it will look up the value the Horizon file specified by 'date' under <Settings>
* Default units are kilometers per second.
* Other accepted units (all in per second):
o m = meters per second | 12320 m
o km = kilometers per second | 12320 km
o AU = Astronomical Unit per second | .7 AU
* Mass of the body. If not specified it will come from one of the object xml files.
* Default units are 10^20 kilograms.
o kg = kilograms | 500000 kg
o moon = Moon masses | 4.3 moon
o earth = Earth masses | 2 earth
o jupiter = Jupiter masses | 1.4 jupiter
o sun = Sun masses | 2.8 sun
o milky way or mw = Milky Way masses | 1.2 mw
* Diameter of the body. If not specified it will come from one of the object xml files.
* Default unit is kilometers.
* See <PositionX> above for a list of accepted units.
* Set the position and velocity of the object using Orbital Elements.
* The two required values are body and a. All other values default to 0.
o Set the body the object is orbiting around. | body=Earth
o Semimajor axis, a distance | a=0.7 au
o Eccentricity, a value from 0-1 | e=0.1
o Inclination, the vertical tilt of the orbit, a value from 0-180 degrees | i=20
o Longitude of the ascending node, an angle from 0-360 | node=0
o Argument of periapsis, an angle from 0-360| peri=0-360
o Mean anomaly at epoch, an angle from 0-360 | m=45
* You can also use apogee & perigee instead of a. The semimajor axis is then calculated as the average of these two values plus the radius of the body. | apogee=568 km ; perigee=563 km
* Examples:
o body=Sun ; a=.0226 au
o body=Earth ; apogee=358 km ; perigee=349 km ; e=0.0008892 ; i=51.6405 ; node=179.1416 ; peri=50.8416 ; m=309.3534
o body=Sun ; a=1.2 au ; e=0.5 ; i=20 ; node=165 ; peri=30 ; m=300
* Special optional commands that are specific to the body.
* Sets the velocity to orbit the specified body | orbit=Earth
* Automatically pick the parent body to orbit with parent | orbit=parent
L1, L2, L3, L4, L5
* Automatically position the body at one of the Lagrangian points of the two bodies. | L2=Earth, Moon
* Sets the rotation of the body along the X, Y, & Z axis. | rotate=45,0,0
* Creates an asteroid belt around the body.
* Properties:
o sma - semimajor axis
o smarange - range above and below the sma value
o smamin - lower bound of belt
o smamax - high bound of belt
o count - particle count
o h - value from 0-1 that sets the height of the belt h:0 is a flat right, h:1 is round like a doughnut, h defaults to a value of 1.
* Belts are oriented to the plane of the body. You may wish to use rotate=0,0,0 to reset the rotation to zero (for example, if you're using <Object>Sun</Object> which tilts the body a few degres like our sun)
* Examples:
o belt=sma:.0226 au, smarange:.01 au, count:20000, h:0
o belt=smamin: 30 au, smamax: 60 au, count:2000
* Global settings that can be included with any <Body> group.
* Commands can be strung together (separated by a semicolon) or be in separate <Settings> tags. | date=0;timestep=1
* Why include Settings in the <Body> tag (that doesn't really make any sense)?
o By keeping the XML as a simple table with rows (the bodies) and columns (the properties) it makes them editable in programs like Excel.
* All of these commands are optional.
o Starting date in seconds or as a long date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. If long date will look for position and velocity info in a corresponding Horizon data file. | date=0 | date=2008-01-01
o Speed to start the simulation in seconds. | timestep=60
o Starting value for gravity. Default is 1. | gravity=1
o Moves the specified body to the center of the system. Useful when extracting planets and moons from Object & Horizon data.| movetocenter=Pluto
o Applies the Zero Momentum command to the system on load. | zeromomentum=true
o Sets the collision mode of the system. 0 Combine, 1 Bounce. | collisionmode=1
o Sets the camera focus to the body on load. | focus=Earth
o Create particles from the object.xml file that have horizon data specified by the date command. | particles=asteroids,transnep
o Set the background image used | background=none
o Set the minimum trail length | trailsegments=10
o Turn lables on or off | labels=off
I have to add all that to Get a planet in game?