So someone on the Minecraft forums told me about three interesting clans:
Socialist Commune of MinecraftCommunists of SynesthesiaAnarcho-Communists of MinecraftiaMaybe I/we could lure some of them onto Blacraft, or be lured on their servers.

I read a few lines about some of their economies, they seem incredibly similar to the one of the Blacraft Blaist State (/Yukidar Treaty).
Thoughts? Oppositions? And yes, I was unsure whether I should put it in Blacraft or here.
I'm leaning towards Communists of Synesthesia. Got really excited just by looking at the posts in that thread.

Also, Notchism:
Minecraft now has 20 million registered users. At 70 kg each, that's 25% of the weight of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
23.23% also bought the game. Extrapolating, we find that 76.77% of the internet will register for things they don't want.
20 million people produce enough heat energy to power a Flux Capacitor, but there are significant logistic problems with doing so.
At 4 liters per day, it would take a million years to drink 20 million liquidized humans. Just saying. I'll stop now.